Gavino Schraeyen

معلومات عني

Gavino Schraeyen
 Gavino Schraeyen
معلومات عني:
Ok… so let’s start: I’d like first to apologize for the typos I might have… I must confess I’m Belgian (I know… nobody’s perfect) I thought I would throw some keywords that would describe what I like to do. If you recognize yourself in some of them, I think it might be worth taking the time to keep on reading my profile. If you don’t keep on reading, I swear I won’t be upset with you. I will never know anyway :) Travel, surprises, music, dancing, sports, fitness, books, last minute plans, open mind, photography, museum, craziness, spontaneity, going out (but also staying in), sharing, simplicity, respect, down to earth (however fantasy is also very important), people, casual, sense of humor about yourself, awareness. And last (I promise), I am crazy, stupid, and charming :)
الإقامة في:
Antwerp (Belgium)
English, Dutch
البحث عن:
29 سنوات
Belgium, Antwerp


الموسيقى المفضلة:
Hip hop, Rock, R&B
الأفلام المفضلة:
Comedy, Thriller, Horror, Action, Drama
الكتب المفضلة:
Shakespeare, Neitzche, Frost, O'Connor, Chaucer, Pope, Kant
أمور أحبها:
puppies, friends, pizza,...
أمور أكرهها:
complaining, excuses, Facebook,...
وضع العلاقة: