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Why do foreigners always stick with people from their own country?

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I just don't get it! Many people I know that are living abroad constantly complain how hard it is to meet people from the country they moved to. But at the same time, they only meet up with people from their home country and instantly create their own "national circle" once they move abroad. How on earth do they expect to meet nationals then?

  • Olga Zredzki

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Christine! I found your experience quite interesting, great that you took the challenge and set up an expat club yourself! In the end, I find it quite natural that it's easier to meet other foreigners because they have to build up a new social circle (which the locals have in their own place).

  • Lana Castillo

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Talking to people from your own country makes you feel less homesick; reminiscing all the local stuff and places that you don't find in another country. You feel more comfortable when there are people you can relate to. On the other hand, meeting other nationalities can be very exciting.

    I had patients in the hospital who are British and Australian and they seem so nice to talk to. Anyone may contend, but I find Europeans a bit classy and more sophisticated than others. Quite the intellect, they are. Smart people are very pleasant to converse to.

    I love Australian accent. I think it's sexy.

  • Anne Fyfe

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    I`m not saying it`s always so..! but.... sometimes it is and some times not.

    Here in Thessaloniki... we have clubs , that encourage each other to mix with other nationals.... and my web site is for any one from any where.. living in or comming to Greece....! all are welcome..!

    on the 1st of October will be,.... the European Day of Language.. Festival..... from 5p.m. onwards......

    At :Goethe Institute, Vasillis Olgas 66...
    All are welcom...
    Free Admin.............

    Music & Food from around Europe...

  • Va para perfil de Val McGrory

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    your letter so takes courage you know! I know who to contact next time I visit Spain!!

  • Va para perfil de Val McGrory

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Qentin..
    I confess you do have a point....but people are always anxious to say to me "we must introduce you to the ex-pat community""..yet the Brits are the first to complain when in the UK enclaves are developed between Asian communities, jewish etc... I guess it's a "homing" instinct to be with one of your kind...ok I consider myself told off! :)

  • Qentin Briggs

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Val, that is normal. If you talk to people from your own country, you have a common background to build upon. And if you meet other foreigners, they are just as interested to meet new people as you are.

  • Va para perfil de Ana Chandler

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    Hi Val,

    I totally agree with you and I´m glad that you´ve been able to be welcomed in as one of the community.

    In Granada, at times it´s somewhat frustrating to relate to people of my own age group and profession on a deeper level. On a superficial level it´s fine. BUT, there´s still a long way to go here in Southern Spain.

    I am very integrated in the Andalusian society, customs and way of life. I dance Flamenco, I take part in all the local festivities etc, always ready to meet new people in Granada, however, my best conversations have been with foreigners!!!


  • Va para perfil de Val McGrory

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Don't you just hate it? there is nothing worse going abroad and finding little "enclaves" of English snobby people living in exclusive little areas, playing golf, reading the "Times" like they never left their native shores.
    Not integrating with the local community. Well since I came to Portugal I instantly moved into a Portuguese neighbourhood. and I seem to be the only English woman in my condominium.. and though I struggle with the language..I feel part of the community... some "es-pats" are an embarrassment....

  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    In my opinion, sometimes, it depends in nationality. With that i mean, how the locals feel about the nationality of the foreigner.There arernationalities that believe that they are much better than certain others, most of time because their economy situation is better.

  • rajmurugan ramalingam

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    They fell more secure when the mingle with their own nationalities.Other factor like new culture, language barrier pushes them away from the locals. One of the major criteria is the fear of rejection and criticism any mistakes been made in local culture or language.

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