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Paying for Plastic Surgery In Costa Rica

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So I have almost completed the process of scheduling a tummy tuck in Costa Rica With Dr Rodrigo Araya... when his office tells me that the only way he will accept payment is via Deposit into his bank account.
And I froze, Warning lights and sirens start up all over the place in my brain.
AM I crazy? Is this standard procedure? How have you all paid for plastic surgery in costa rica?
Please advise me ! Dr Araya and his office staff are very nice and personable but the idea of depositing directly into someone's bank account ( when their website clearly states that they do accept credit cards) seems fishy.
Thank you!

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  • Reenie G

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 


    Thanks for your reply, but it was absolutely no help to me, really. :))

    I think I am specific enough in asking for a comparison about the 2 cosmetic surgeons I'm conversing with. Again, if you have specific information (personally had surgery performed) by either Arguello or Urzola, that would be great, but I see you are on a site out of Brazil and you are a Medical Tourism Concierge if I understand your profile correctly.

    That does me no good. I am not going to Brazil nor am I considering any other surgeons at the moment.

    Let me just say that I am an expert patient, in that I have lay medical background and have worked online with medical people and have helped Drs, nurses and patients. I have also had numerous medical procedures and know what to expect, including several cosmetic surgical procedures.

    But again, thanks for your opinion but it does me no good really! LOL

    BTW, Brazil is even more expensive than what I can get done here in Scottsdale, Arizona, the capital of cosmetic surgery in the US!

    Godspeed to you! ;)

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Hi Reenie, first of all, I would definitely be paying attention to how you are attended to as you approach the surgeon's office, if you are going to him directly that is. How quickly they answer your emails, if they have a USA line for you to use, if they are willing to call YOU or skype to make sure the communication lines are already open and they are willing. Try some complicated questions and see if you can't arrange a phone call or skype call with the surgeon for your questions and concerns. They should also be seeming to do their due diligence and request as much info from you as possible, pictures, health history form, medications or supplements you're on, previous surgeries, labwork etc. It doesn't guarantee anything of course, but it at least gives you a hint as to their preoccupation with doing things right and being thorough... all which should continue and be a part of your in country experience with them.

    Personally, I know it's not really the surgeon's favorite thing to do and sometimes, not even his staff, to answer our emails. I really can understand the apparent "unwillingness" because that's really not what anyone trained for and a medical tourist is in a class by themselves as far as what we need in information and REASSURANCE. =) So, I can't blame them for being slow or incomplete, but if they are going to handle their own inquiries from foreign patients and say that they WANT foreign patients like us, well, they need to step up their game and understand what their market, their consumer...aka, US - you and me really NEED and expect in order to feel comfortable with how we will be attended and listened to while we are there and make the right choice.

    As far as the comments about "recovery retreats" here in CR. Most of them, within the medical provider community here, really don't have the best reputation. Many of them, LaMas and Chetica included are very remote, up in the mountains, all hills and stairs and thin mountain air (you need good oxygen supply to heal!). The roads up into the hills are windy, bumpy and well... thinking of going up them after a breast lift just made me CRINGE in pain while holding my boobs and wonder how many stitches were coming apart inside of me! LOL =(

    There are animals roaming free and it's really more of a bed and breakfast kind of atmosphere and culture, rather than one of hygiene, medical appropriateness. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty and charming but... from the points of view of the surgeons I've talked to that have gone up to them... "medically inappropriate."

    Unfortunately CR has been slow to create some standards and credentialing in this department and anyone can call themselves a "recovery retreat" even though technically it doesn't really necessarily mean or guarantee you anything. There are so many options and I think "the closest, cleanest thing to a hospital" you can get while you are here is a nice hotel closer to where you need to be. =)


  • Reenie G

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 


    Amie is very helpful both online and on the phone. Thanks again Amie, but... :))

    I would still like to hear what others have to say. As you read this site, there is so much conflicting information! I would like to hear what others have to say about Dr Urzola. I see there were a couple that mentioned him and I originally started my dialogue with his office.

    I would like to compare the two (Arguello and Urzola) That's just how I roll. :))

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Hello, I saw a couple posts here about Dr Pino. I am just trying to find out where his office is in San Jose. There's a Pino in Rohrmoser, not too far from the US embassy. Is that him? What's his full name? People here having been referring me to a "Pino-King" but I am not sure it's the same guy from the boards here. Maybe someone even has his phone or email and I could contact his office myself?

  • waldtaut voelkel

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Hi Amie me and my friend thinking of plastic surgery with Dr. Arguello would you have his direct email ? I would very much like to get in contact with him . I am thinkink of Surgery in March . Thanks Lily

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    LOL... I know a good bit about some stuff but Celiac disease is not my forte! =) I do know about our lower iron and protein etc levels post-bariatric surgery and also a good bit about Cushing's Disease or Syndrome and the chronic conditions associated with it... you'll have to fill me in on Celiac disease... always open to learning! =)

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    You are absolutely right Amie. So glad to hear he was so thorough and you knew and respected why. Not all patients are as conscious about this process, obviously and some even question why so many tests are needed when... "no one else ever asked me to do so many tests!" Lots of testing doesn't mean the doctor's trying to make you overspend! =)

    Yes, poor healing has many reasons besides smoking... low protein, anemia or low iron, even poor circulation or lower oxygen levels.

    I like this Dr... I'll have to check him out. Where did you stay and how long before you were able to go home?

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Hi Amie,
    I assume you have informed Dr Arguello of your health history and medications. The surgeons MUST know in advance of these things so they can deal with them and understand what precautions must be taken to insure your safety and his. =) Patients that DON'T declare these things and even something as "simple" as smoking, are really doing a huge disservice to themselves and their surgeon. Accurate health history forms and pre op labwork is not meant to exclude a patient from surgery, but to determine the precautions and protocol that must be taken to insure a successful procedure and good healing. Sometimes that is accomplished thru protocol, thru medications or supplementation, sometimes modified surgery procedures... whatever. But that is up to the surgeon and anesthesiologist to decide what the risks to the patient could be and how to manage them properly and efficiently.

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Thanks for the reply Barbara. I must admit I am just AMAZED about the staples.. I just seriously thought a PS would shudder at the thought of using staples. Personally I have only seen staples used twice in PS patients and both of them looked like it... they had the staple marks on either side of the incisions and just weren't aesthetically pleasing at all. =(
    Does anyone know if he uses staples on ALL of his patients or just in some cases?? I'd prefer nice, neat dissolving stitches... Any other Pino patients out there?
    Thanks and Blessings!

  • Christina deMoraes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kostarika 

    Hi Barbara,
    I see you had surgery with Dr Pino and was pleased overall. Did you have your surgery in a clinic or one of the hospitals. Did you price compare at all between clinic and hospital? Did you stay overnight or were you out the same day? Oh, and the STAPLES?? Did he REALLY use STAPLES? I cannot imagine a PS using STAPLES... I shudder at the thought! Did he use them on all your incisions or just certain ones? Didn't they leave "railroad track" scarring?? =(
    Thanks! Just trying to find out how it's done.. I've heard good and bad now about Dr Pino...

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