Postnatal Yoga Workshop


Serendip Spa & Yoga

Place Stéphanie 16, Ixelles, Belgium Map

This Postnatal Yoga workshop will combine an active asana practice (exercises to align and strengthen ligaments and muscles, establishing a strong foundation for a healthy body) with a meditative focus to calm the mind. As many mothers with babies are sleep deprived, the practice will also involve a lengthy relaxation session with various Restorative Yoga postures, to bring a deeper experience of rest and recovery.

This workshop is for mothers only - babies are welcome to attend the regular Thursday postnatal yoga classes at 3pm.

Join us to nourish yourself: taking time to mother the mothers.

The price for this workshop is 35eur per person. Register & pay in full in advance and you will receive a 5€ discount (valid for registrations made up to 5 days prior the event).

Register easily for this session on our website, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or at +32 2 503 55 04.

Profil uživatele Helena Mahuas
 Helena Mahuas