Επιστροφή στην Αυστρία φόρουμ

Crimeea land of Russians??????

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Αυστρία

The peninsula Crimeea was known in ancient Greco-Roman world as the United Bosforan (Regnum Bosphorus) or Bosporus Cimerian. The population was a mix of tribes and branches of Thracian tribes Cimmerians and Scythians. To these were added later Greeks and then the Romans merchants - soldiers, administrators, merchants, clergy, etc.. Another name that is still given in antiquity - and later - is Cherson, later left for the south side of the River Bug and Dnieper..Bosporus VI -XII centuries Cimerian , called Bosforan or Cherson , is the target of several attacks by pagan(not christian) Slavs to romanian population of the peninsula , the only population stable in this period(vI-xIII century) , withdraws before these attacks be strongholds of the Eastern Roman Empire or in natural caves dug artificial especially in the Crimean Mountains .
In the thirteenth century the Tatars(Mongols) invaded Europe , conquering , among others, most of the Bosphorus Cimerian , which will henceforth be known mainly as the Cram or Crimea. Principality of Mangop remained as part of the Eastern Roman Empire ( today called incorrectly , the Byzantine Empire ) by the end of the fifteenth century . Last defenders before Mangop Tatar Turkish armies , defenders who have died to the last on the walls were soldiers Stephen the Great(king of Moldavia and a province of Romania) , heir Mangop by his wife, Mary Mangop .
Between 1441 and 1783 most of the Crimea was part of the Crimean Khanate . Some of the ports in the southern peninsula was controlled by Genovese Republic . In addition to the Crimean Peninsula in the Crimean Khanate there were other territories, the continental Sarmatian or Kuban , címere ( territory between the Dnieper and the Western shore of the Sea of Azov ) , lower Don region , Chersonezul (located between the Lower Bug and Dnieper Lower , south west Zaporojiei ) and later Vozia or Edisanul ( between Bug and Dniester Down Down) . This latter region have dual status was initially under the authority of the Roman Empire , later the Slavs , and the State Berladnicilor later under the authority of the Tartars , then under the Moldova ( between Romania Bogdan I and III ) , then under mixed authority Moldavian rulers and Tatars , and the time of the second reign of Petru Rares(a romanian king)under joint authority - typical Crimean Khanate at the time - the Turks and Tartars . Bugeac region even after its conquest by the Tartars , was never part of the Crimean Khanate , becoming the sixteenth century of the Paşalâcul of Bender .
In 1783 the region was annexed by the Tsarist Empire . In all regions of the Russian Crimean Khanate conquered the Christian population was made up of Romanian stable . Russia has moved these Romanian in the Caucasus and Siberia , sometimes bringing in Romanian Bessarabia place , but often replace them with Russians, Serbs, Bulgarians and Ukrainians. Latest Romanian villages in Crimea were found during the Second World War, but have not been only marginally in ethnological researches made ​​on the Romanian settlements in the eastern Dniester in those years .
Following the Crimean War (1856-1859) part of the Tatar population emigrated in Dobrogea , Anatolia and other regions of the Ottoman Empire

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