Επιστροφή στην Κέντρο φόρουμ

To live in Portugal

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Κέντρο

From your profile I deduct that you are an American. I have no idea what part of Portugal your experience is from, but you cant be farther from the truth in my experience. I am surprised that you pick out just one dish and base their complete cuisine on that. Further more why should they speak English in a Portuguese school. Want to compare that to Spain where absolutely no one speaks English.There are a number of god International schools throughout the country. I feel sorry for your bad experience here. I can safely say that compared to Spanish, Portuguese are way nicer. If not more humble. Want to compare their kitchen. The PT one is more superior, if it was only that its not drenched in oil. Again sad that you base this all on a seemingly failed marriage.

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  • jack garcia

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    I would have thought that an astute businessman, such as yourself, would have thoroughly scrutinized the financial obligations required by Portuguese law before conducting business in Portugal. Perhaps you believe that the Portuguese are 'not very bright'- however, they were clearly far more brighter than you when they relieved you of your €150 for not writing 'Processed by Computer' on a delivery note!

  • Herman van Katwijk

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Dear Anabela,

    I live in Portugal for 12 years now, so you can see I like it (otherwise I had to go!)
    But I don't agree with you that the Portuguese food is the best of the world. I know that a lot of the Portuguese have the same opnion, just as they tell you about the saucages rom their particular region and of course their region is the most beautyfull of Portugal. Nothing new!
    You can have a good meal for a low price, but the best of the world???? You should travel (or taste) more!

    Next to that: a lot of Portuguese restaurants don't have heating so you have to have your meal with your coat on in winter but stay with cold feet. Very often the food (as rice for example) is hardly warm.
    But you will learn where to go in winter and where in summer. We have to respect the people and the country where we like to live in, that's for sure.
    Never the less I see there is a lot to change in future and every Portuguese will agree about the burocraty, "cunhas", justice, organisation, equal rights, help for abused women, social aid, domestic violance etc.
    Of course we have In my country problems too, but others and may be we need a Portuguese to point it out better.

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    If you are going to defend Portugal don't do it by bashing her supposed country (the U.S.A). Only a few of these replies have sounded more mature than her original post. If you're confident about your country why do you need to defend it with such veracity? Just kindly say she's wrong, and why, and move on! The U.S.A and Portugal are two very different countries and cannot be compared anyways. Different histories, different sizes, different cultures.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Jo Tex

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Those Portuguese Monica says she hates are her ex in-laws. I mean, what are the chances for a woman to like her in-laws? And now being ex... If I were her in-law I'd do the same. Boiled eggs every day. That seams to have been enough for her to leave for good!

  • Vitor Pinto

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    "Please don't pass on to your children those negative feelings"

  • Vitor Pinto

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Obviously she was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong attitude!!
    She might not be at the wrong place anymore but she is still with the wrongest attitude for sure!!!
    Please don't pass on to your children does egative feelings!
    They deserve way better!!!

  • Daniel Da Silva

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Just because you have had a bad experience with one or two Portuguese people, do not generalise and say that all Portuguese people are Racist and can’t cook. I feel sorry for your children because you complain that there are no 'English' schools to send your kids, but you yourself can’t even speak English properly. Portuguese people can cook very well and if you are from the US they don't eat your rubbish deep fried food you make that’s for sure.

  • Maria Rocha

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Peço desculpa, mas vou teclar em Português, hoje por curiosidade, entrei neste fórum, e foi com grande tristeza e surpresa que li o que a Mónica escreveu. Subscrevo o que o David respondeu. Boa!!!.

    Mónica, não somos racistas. é uma ideia completamente errada. Ainda bem que a gastronomia mundial não é toda igual, A nossa é deveras especial, variada e muito saborosa. há quem goste e quem não goste.

    Esteve em Portugal e não gostou. Que pena. Espero que as coisas estejam a correu pelo melhor.

    Só lhe peço uma coisa. não transmita ódio aos seus filhos. Eduque-os a amar, a serem felizes. O ódio só traz frustrações e infelicidade.. E a senhora, perdoe a quem tem que perdoar. Seja Feliz. E nessa altura volte a Portugal, vai ver que as coisas serão diferentes. Para melhor.

  • jack garcia

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    Well said, Sylvia T! Of course, if she (or he) does need any assistance with her cranial cavity, I shall be more than happy to try out my newly-acquired set of cutlery and perform it . Oh, anaesthetic may cost extra and generally consists of my stifling the agonizing cries of searing pain by smothering with wet squirrels - living!

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Brian Dring

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Κέντρο 

    This last person was a reminder that there are always a few idiots in every country....lamento...these people are an embarrassment to the open minded ones who have to apologize for him.

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