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uae immigration ban query

Posted in United Arab Emirates forum

hi there, can anyone tell me on which website i can get information bout immigration ban frm abu dhabi,uae..
i worked in abu dhabi for 1 year and 3months, then resigned and had my visa cancellation last december 2010. im trying to get a visit visa again but the agency told me that i have immigration ban, was shocked becuase didnt thought of having one. please help me find a website wherein i can check if the ban really exist en how i got it,,
thank you very much,,

  • vithul murali

    posted by  in United Arab Emirates forum 

    as per law, you cannot

  • Go to Bashir Ahmed's profile

    Moving to Qatar

    posted by  Bashir Ahmed in United Arab Emirates forum 

    Are you in Qatar? Please can you confirm if a person having bounced cheques issues in UAE can go and work in Qatar? Shall be truly grateful to you

  • vithul murali

    posted by  in United Arab Emirates forum 

    what kind of ban??? is it for a certain period or what?

  • tess tower

    posted by  in United Arab Emirates forum 

    pls help me also i need to know if my immigration ban can lift,coz i am ban in uae also tnx

  • vithul murali

    posted by  in United Arab Emirates forum 

    i can help you with this.

    Contact me :

    Vithul Murali

    Suite No. 12, The Iridium, Al Barsha,
    Near Mall of Emirates, Dubai, U.A.E.
    Mobile : +971559220669

  • can i?

    posted by Deleted user in United Arab Emirates forum 

    i need to bring my waif by has band visa she have eye scan befor 2 year can i?

  • naturewalker SG

    Iris Scan

    posted by  naturewalker SG in United Arab Emirates forum 

    It has been going on for so long, I arrived here in 2006 and I had an iris scan when I re-entered Dubai after my exit from Kish Island. As you know some people are able to get passports using another name in some countries however through iris scanning the authorities are able to apprehend people with cases and forged documents.

    Check this link from gulfnews: 75,000 arrested at airport last year after undergoing iris scan

  • Xris De Leon

    posted by  in United Arab Emirates forum 

    when was this iris scanning started? coz i have been in dubai february 2008. i dont remember if i had been scanned..please can somebody know or remember when it started? thanks.

  • naturewalker SG

    Bounced Cheques

    posted by  naturewalker SG in United Arab Emirates forum 

    You definitely cannot go back in UAE if you left behind bounced cheques OR you can go back but you will go straight to jail. Once you reach the airport and your iris is scanned then the police will be waiting for you. One more thing, you cannot get out of Dubai unless you pay everything you owe.

  • Go to Mad Max's profile

    UAE immigration ban

    posted by  Mad Max in United Arab Emirates forum 

    Hi all, I was living in Dubai for past 7 years, when my business went down, I had no choice but to get out as soon as possible since i had given so many cheques for office rent and house rent, now i am thinking of coming back. will some body advice me how can one check if i have been banned entering Dubai.

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