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timeline for fiancee visa?

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hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    Learning the Dutch language is free here in Belgium. You're not required to learn it prior to your coming here.

  • Sheena A.

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    It's nice to hear that you are in belgium now. :)

  • پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    What are you going to do there? Do the embassy requires you to learn the language before you have the interview with your spouse visa? Or it doesn't if you still didn't know the language and learn it in Belguim instead.

  • پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    Good luck for the interview!

    Jelyn: hope everything is okay there.. start to learn their language,maybe go to school so that you will not be bored.


  • felGUY ****

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    Hello Jelyn,

    wow.. that's a good news that finally you got approved with your visum. How are you there then? Here, I am doing good. I am still here in Manila. I am planning to re apply soon by July tourist visa this time.

    I am still looking forward to be in BE soon.


  • Lambert Flores

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    He is working for the belgian governement and for a belgian company as a freelancer
    What new doors could go open ? The income of my boyfriend is quite sufficient because of 2 jobs

  • Lambert Flores

    Ton Bakker

    پست شده توسط  Lambert Flores در بلژیک فروم 

    He is working for the belgian governement and for a belgian company as a freelancer
    What new doors could go open ? The income of my boyfriend is quit sufficient because of 2 jobs

  • felGUY ****

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    Hello Jelyn,
    Good day!

    How are you? Are you in BE right now?

    Keep In touch?

  • Ton Bakker

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    this is RUBBISH;
    ''Yes, the embassy requires the minimum income or more from the man or woman. (the one who lives in belgium) Sorry I can't get into details. But base from what I've red here in this forum is about 2,000 euros. To finance or buy a ticket. And he needs a big amount in the bank from the last 3 yrs. A bank proof or statement. They will base from here proof that you are able to provide her/him needs. Because when she/he comes to belgium he or she cannot find a job right away. He or she should adapt the culture and life in belgium as well as their language. It's a must in belgium to learn their language. Anyways, it's free. But will take 1-2 yrs to learn depend if she/he is a fast learner.

    Hope this can help. We too are praying and trusting God for this. He will make a way. God bless.''

    1} Income ; about 1200 nett for 2 persons
    2] sufficient living space
    3]health insurance
    4]for the holiday visa; IF you are guarantee; sufficient income; at application; ticket reservation[booking is NOT required,since you don't know when or IF the visa is granted or denied.]
    5 ]Steady income ;above 120% Social security level
    6] Employment contract [OR unemployed payment, if proved looking for a job,and registered at Dienst Arbeid
    7] Healthinsurance with medical coverage for EC OF 30.0000€

  • Ton Bakker

    پست شده توسط  در بلژیک فروم 

    I don't know who posted about that ridiculous amount of money; the family income must be Social Help-level, for 2 persons about 1200€ nett , for every other family member 345 pm.
    And since this is 120% , it probably is 20% above the max of EU Law.
    I have posted many times the link to, there your Belgian partners can read the REAL conditions....
    With posting BS you're helping nobody.

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