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New in Stuttgart

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My name is Jonathan and I'm a Swedish engineer traveling to Stuttgart to work for six months.

As I'm traveling alone, If anyone is interested in grabbing a beer, playing football, watching a movie, or what ever's fun, just write me a msg.


  • Jonathan O

    پست شده توسط  در اشتوتگارت فروم 

    Hi Marta,

    I'm sorry to inform you that I will leave Stuttgart on the last of June. My work contract here expires and I have got a new one in England.

    I can't really advice you on accomodation either since my company took care of it for me.

    I wish you a pleasant stay in Stuttgart during the summer. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

    Best regards

  • marta sole

    پست شده توسط  در اشتوتگارت فروم 

    Hi Jonathan!

    How are you doing in Stuttgart? I'm Marta, I'm 20 and I am also studing engineering in Barcelona.
    I had been to Sweeden two year ago, in Göteborg, such a wonderful place!
    I am going to be in Stuttgart this summer, arriving on 1st of July because I found a training work. I would like to take german classes also, because I just know a couple of words.
    I'm still looking forward for accomodation, where are you staying? I have sent many emails to some residence but it seems that are all plenty. So now I'm looking for a shared flat or apartment. Just let me know if you know something.

    See you soon

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