Histoire Musulmane : Approches interdisciplinaires


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A fracture is now crossing the Muslim community in its relationship to Islam. It concerns both Muslim countries and Islam in a minority situation, in the West or elsewhere.No true understanding of the high ends of this religion is conceivable without a clear vision of its history, both one and multiple, unanimous and This is for us to shed light on the wounds and ruptures that led to the historical regression of Muslims. Is not it high time for the Muslim community to come to terms with its history, to heal its wounds, to make other ruptures, this time with the origins of the evil?
The study of history must serve as a laboratory, the careful analysis of the decisive events of the past should allow to understand the reasons why, despite the various attempts at reform, the evil still persists. Our research aims to capture the continuities, the phases of evolution and ruptures that characterize the history of ideas, religion and society, seeking to bring into resonance different approaches to enlighten our knowledge of Islam in the world. observing from the inside while keeping the distance from the scientific approach. It builds on the achievements of research in this field to consider it in a larger and more comprehensive dimension, both synchronically and diachronically.
The space we dedicate to the study of Muslim history is open to all the intellectual sensibilities of Islam. Hence the need to form around a first nucleus, a multidisciplinary team able to cross historical, doctrinal, spiritual, jurisprudential, anthropological, and political approaches, and to meet the methodological challenge of this program.

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PAF: EUR 10.0

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