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New members - Introduce yourself!

Publié dans forum Espagne

Have you just joined our community? Then take a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to our other members! What are you doing in Spain? What are you looking for in the community? And what are your ideas of how we can improve the Spain community?

We hope you enjoy the Just Landed as much as we do. Good luck in Spain!

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  • Alice Abed

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    I'm an student at UNC Chapel Hill who will be living in Sevilla for six months starting in September. I want to meet International students when there because I have no desire to spend all my time with Americans I already know! This seems like the perfect way to find people that are also passionate about languages, and meeting new people while abroad!

    If anyone is gonna be in Sevilla and has any desire to show a clueless person around the really cool stuff that I know is hidden away, dime!

  • publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    I've just arrived to justlanded. Hi everyone

  • publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    Not really an expatriate but I have moved recently from Madrid to Asturias.

    Looking for new friends, specially women ;)


  • lyndsey lyons

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    hi i am lyndsey 26 years old married living in malaga spain would like to make friends in this region i like walking/hiking reading a good book and meeting new people

  • Se rendre au profil de ania brzozowska

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    im new here too. im polish, crazy girl looking for new friends, i guess...whole my life (and thats not that long) im traveling from place to placee. Have been all over europe, some places in usa and canada, and now spain. just love it here but having difficulties finding job.
    good luck to everyone and maybe..see ya

  • agnieszka n

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    i study in poland, i took one year off and came t spain work for a little, i really love spanish weather,i wish i can meet more people thank of this web

  • Bouchra El

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    Just moved from Canada a little outside of Madrid. going to Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. Love it here and can't wait to meet new people. I would love to have ppl joining me to go check out the reggae and hip hop scene in Madrid as well as some tablaos and flamenco spots. Cheers...

  • publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    I am staying in Alcaidesa from May to September.
    I want to improve my Spanish (which is dire), get involved in voluntary work in the area, hopefully get a part time job, explore the southern coast and meet loads of new people!!

  • publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    Hi "world"
    My name is Carl, i´m from Angola, raised in Portugal, studied and lived in Brighton,UK, then working in Marseille in France, and now in Seville, great inspiring place !!
    Also starting a new job career as a web developer.
    This is a very nice community, hope to find great people to make some great friends.

    ciau, & keep the good mood

  • Se rendre au profil de Philipp Rosenkranz

    publié par  dans forum Espagne 

    Hi my name is Philipp and I'm not yet in Spain but hope to be so in a couple of months. I might be able to start as a Post Doc in Madrid soon. My problem is, that for in order to do so, I need to validate my german degree (diplom) as well as my british PhD later on (as soon as I have the title ) Is there anybody out there, preferably german (not that I mind advice from another side but there the problem would have been the same), who went through the same process and can give some tips and advice?
    Thanks a lot

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