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Hiya! Im moving to switzerland next month to be a nanny! Im a place called rappersville!? Anyone know it??

  • Menj Beezee Bum profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 


    I know Rapperswil, but I haven't heard Rappersville... But anyways, hope that you will like it here... ^_^...

  • hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 

    Hi Colleen,
    you will like the region, and 'im sure that 1 year will go fast ,,like a month i could say,,

    When you come ,just let me know at least i can be a tourists guide for you for Zurich,

    Rappersvill wil be easy to dicover it quickly,

    i'm looking forward to hear from you,

  • Colleen Speers

    hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 

    I arrive on the 14th next month! Im gonna be a nanny there!
    Really looking forward to it, but really need to make some friends to stay there a year!!

  • hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 

    Hi Colleen
    i'm living in Zurich but One colleuge was living there 1 year ago,
    what are you going to do in Rappersvill ?when you will arrive ?

    if you want more informations don't hesitate to ask ?


  • Colleen Speers

    hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 

    cheers ali! So u live there?

  • hozzászóló:  itt Vaud fórum 

    Welcome Colleen,
    Rappersville is a small city not faraway from Zurich (Arround 30 min by train )

    there is also a boat trip Going from Zurich to rappersville it takes arround 1h30 min from Burkliplatz,

