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Please share with us your experiences about live in Thailand.

  • adam sunpitophat

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Hi ! mathias

    sorry i'm late again . bec. i'm holiday . pls. check your e-mail

  • Mathias Hennion

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Hi mr Adam, your friend did not yet send me an e-mail, could you maybe give his adress to me, then i will make contact with him.

  • Mathias Hennion

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    No problem for the late reply, my e-mail adress is [...]
    please give it to yout belgian friend, i would like to speak with him.
    Thx for your help

  • adam sunpitophat

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Hi mary sz
    Apartment in thailand have 1 bedroom only . if you want 2 bedroom. you can rent condomenium in bangkok . price about 500-1000 us/dl per 1 month ( 2 bedroom and good location in bangkok ) for 1 bed room about 200- 400 us/dl .this price
    excluded electricity charge and water
    If you comming sure . connect me again i can help you for something and answer your every question ......

  • adam sunpitophat

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Hi mathias
    Sorry i'm answer your late . Please give me your e-mail address i will sent e-mail my friend to you . For your question ( work permit ) Thai embassy can't help you .....

    This is the process
    1. You must to have a letter from thai company or foreigner company in thailand for confirm you are officer . after that you connect to immigration bureau in thailand for do work permit . you can ask my friend and his thai wife


    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Hi nice people,i would like to spend there long time. If someone would like to join with me,an share 2 bedroomd apartman or haus pls let me know. i to spend winter time there from november until march . If someone know how does it work to rental sistem there ,and how much is / month let me know pls. Mary

  • Mathias Hennion

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Thx you so much for this information.
    I would love to have your friend his e-mail adress, i will contact him about moving to Thailand.
    And how can i get awork permit? do i have to ask that in the Thai embassy here in Belgium?

  • adam sunpitophat

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    I have my best friend . He is belgium people and live in brusell . He know everything in thailand because. He live in thailand very long time . If u want information you can ask him . ( Pls tell me if u want i will give e-mail my friend to you again )
    Apartment in thailand for rent only. but u can buy condomenium about 45,000-100,000 us/dl (1 bed room ) for small home , land in thailand you can't buy it. because you are not thai people . But if u have thai wife u can buy it.
    In thailand have many foreigner comming to work . but not easy if u no have work permit . thai language is not problem because foreigner used english language when working in thailand

  • Mathias Hennion

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    I love Thailand already, it's a great country with a rich culture.
    But do you think it is possible for a foreigner to find a job in Thailand without speaking the language? I don't care what kind of job it is. Just need some money to survive in Thailand... what do you think? is that possible?

  • adam sunpitophat

    hozzászóló:  itt Thaiföld fórum 

    Yes sure . But no problem for living in thailand the Situation normal. The politics in thailand have problem every day,every month , and every years . it nothing scary
    Your life was comfortable
