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timeline for fiancee visa?

Diposting di forum Belgia

hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Desert Vixen

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hi Angela,

    Welcome to our forum. :) Now, about your question...

    I don't think your marriage life should affect your visa application for as long as it is only to visit a friend/boyfriend. But if it's for a fiancee visa, then it's a completely different story.

    Here are some useful tips I can give:

    1. Keep the duration of your visit short. (2-3 weeks is normally safe)
    2. Make sure to have all the requirements with you on the day of your appointment.
    3. Proof of your relationship with your partner (such as pictures, e-mails, cards). It doesn't have to be a lot but at least bring a few.
    4. Be polite to the visa officers no matter how b****y they can get. ;)
    5. Make sure to have a very strong reason to come back home. It's not literally a part of the requirements but it is very logical. For example, a stable job, family, business, etc.
    6. Be specific about your itinerary and include it on the letter of invitation from your partner. For example, don't just say something like, "She's gonna come here to meet some friends and family and tour around Belgium." Be more specific and add something like, "On her first week, I'm going to take her to my grandparent's house so she can meet some of my relatives. In the weekend, we might go out with some of my friends from college. On her second week, we shall be exploring neighboring cities like Brussels, Gent and Antwerp." This is to let the staff from the embassy (or the immigration service of Belgium) know that you have real plans. It makes your visit less suspicious.

    The processing time can be 3-5 weeks depending on the case. So make sure to apply 2 months (I think that's best) before your intended date of travel.

    I hope this helps. And if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :)


  • felGUY ****

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hello Angela,
    Good day!
    welcome Angela. Regarding with your inquiry I guess it doesn't affect even though you are married since you will just apply for a visit a friend. Unless you will be applying for a fiancee visa because you have to prove that your marriage is annulled before you can re marry.Just wait for the trio tagapayo opinions also. As they have lots of idea concerning with visa.

    Take care.

  • Pergi ke profil a sj

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    good day Trio Tagapayo and to you Felipe.

    Im so glad i found this forum, it's really very helpful to persons seeking answers to a lot of questions regarding visa applications like me.

    Im hoping that you can give me an advice too on my situation.

    Im legally married in Philippines but 10 years separated, when I was in Dubai working I met a BE guy through internet, through constant chats and texts, we fell in love and he came to visit me twice. Now Im back in Philippines and planning to apply for a visit a friend visa through his sponsorship.

    Will they deny my application since Im a married woman without proof that Im separated from my ex husband for 10 years and that I have a boyfriend who is inviting me to visit him in BE?

    I hope you guys can give me some idea on how to get my application approve.

    thanks in advance.


  • felGUY ****

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hello Desert Vixen,
    Good day!
    I will have my appointment on August 5,2011.

    Take Care.

  • Desert Vixen

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    You are most welcome, Felipe. I think it is indeed better that you partner is gonna be your sponsor this time. Less complication, I guess.

    My wedding is on the 27th of August.

    I wish you the best on your application. Keep us posted. :)

  • felGUY ****

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Desert Vixen,
    Goed Morgen!
    Thank you for the very informational message.Now it's clear on my mind what are the things should I prepare. I have those things you mentioned in your message.Regarding with the appointment I did not have it yet since the documents coming from BE is not yet with me. It's still on the air going to the PH.(hehehe) But I have here the Invitation letter which was arrived last week. Right after I will received the documents I am going to call the embassy to have an appointment.
    This time, his Brother is not my sponsor. My partner is my sponsor now.Hope this time it will work..
    Hope your mom can attend during your special day..
    By the way, when is your wedding?.
    Keep in touch and GOD Bless..

  • Desert Vixen

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hello again Felipe,

    ZD and Anna are both very busy these days. Anna is on a holiday and ZD already started her Dutch lessons.

    I checked the website of the embassy regarding and I actually didn't even see the letter of invitation as part of the requirements. However, I am not suggesting that this is no longer necessary. Of course it will still be best to have it and I don't think it has to be legalized by the city hall or something like that. It says in the website, however, that a Letter explaining details of relationship with sponsor is part of the requirements. And this is where the proof of relationship comes in. It's best for you to submit photos with your partner, e-mails, or messages and wall posts on Facebook (screen shots will do). If you have a billing statement for the phone calls you've had with him, that will also be good to submit. You can also give them screen shots of your Skype conversations. If you don't have chat conversations (or IMs) but just video call, then take a screen shot of the duration of the video call including the date and time.

    Is your partner's brother still gonna be your sponsor? If that's the case, it will be better to have some proof of your relationship with him too. Just to show that he knows you personally and that you also converse with each other once in a while.

    I hope this helps. Btw, when is your schedule for the embassy? My mom is going to apply for a visit visa too. My fiance and I are hoping she can attend our wedding. Her schedule is on the 28th of July. They told her that's the earliest date available. Seems like there have been too many applications lately. Hehehe!

  • Desert Vixen

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hi Felipe! Long time no talk. Hehehe! How was your vacay?

    Anyhow, about your question, I really can't answer that because I am no expert on Visit Visa (as my case was denied) but what I know for sure is that it will be best if the invitation letter will be specific about your purpose to visit Belgium. Clearly state what you plan to do such as your trips, the things you're gonna visit, activities (such as meeting his friends) and clearly mention too that your friend is committed to make sure that you get back to Philippines before your visa expires. That info I got from a girl I talked with at the embassy who had her visit visa approved (despite that she was visiting her boyfriend and it was her first time in BE).

    I'm happy to know that you are not giving up on this. :) Would you mind letting us know why your application was denied? Is it ok to share with us what reasons were mentioned in the letter you got from the embassy?

    Btw, 21 days sounds good. ;)

  • felGUY ****

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Hello.. trio tagapayo,
    Good day!!
    My partner sent me again documents coming from BE. Here I am again, I need to contact the embassy nextweek to have an appointment.. Girls, is it necessary that the invitation is coming from the cityhall? I have the invitation is just an ordinary letter wrote by my partner.
    This time I have now my certificate of employment. hehehehe..
    And 21 days visit. The shorter the better..
    Hope this time akkord na..

    Miss you Guys..

  • Jhian Aunab Stessens

    diposting oleh  di forum Belgia 

    Many Thanks ..... to you all..... ok..... Once I received the docs from BE next week I will call the embassy for my application.... and I let you know what will happen...

    Thank you I hope they will approved my 90 days vacation..... we will see....



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