Kembali ke forum Gibraltar

need some sms websites

Diposting di forum Gibraltar

One of my cousins was working in Gibraltar..Do you know some reliable websites that my cousin could use to send sms to the Philippines?Thanks.

  • Pergi ke profil john clemente

    diposting oleh  di forum Gibraltar 

    Can you ask at your cousin how easy would be to get work in Gibraltar. I would like to move from london? My Email [...]. please any imf. Would be apresieted.

  • Sarah Mae Gonzales

    diposting oleh  di forum Gibraltar 

    ..a good website, indeed! :)

  • Jill Zarra

    diposting oleh  di forum Gibraltar 

    One of my cousins was working in Gibraltar..Do you know some reliable websites that my cousin could use to send sms to the Philippines?Thanks

    I uses this website to send sms to

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