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The symposium to the book《Bi Yan Zao Wen》
The book《Bi Yan Zao Wen》is written by Mr.Gezhongtang ,one great calligraphist in China.It based on so many years of Mr.Gezhongtang's practicing in Chinese traditionl artic calligraphy to accumlate his unique personal opinion and experience.Just as Mr.Gezhongtang said ,It may blessed by some divine power so he can to expose it ,for according to Chinese metaphysic of art,the Chinese calligraphy hold its own individual secret predicament ,It consisting with the way how to drawing and writing so that to approach its full swing of it.
The book《Bi Yan Zao Wen》disclosed the spriritual secrecy of the pasted Saint such as Wangxizhi and Zhangshu what them how to operate their universal concept to calligraphy,and the distinction of Han character's structure,It also resolved thousand enigma of people how to practice of Chinese calligraphy coinciding with discussing this spirit of special civilization of mankind .
The book《Bi Yan Zao Wen》have three volumes.Volume I. analysed the method of chinese pen how to move and perfom .Volume II.argued the orietation of meditation about chinese calligraphy.Volume III . demonstrated the people's moral virtue and spritual purity that how to have repercussion upon the artic status of the calligraphic products.
This book including ten thousands characters have published at or,Anyone if want to read it could google it through network.

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