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Living in Johannesburg

게시된 위치 요하네스버그 공개토론

I think about living in Johannesburg for a is living there? How easy can you find an apartment there?

삭제된 사용자의 프로프필로 이동

  • cherey cherey의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 요하네스버그 공개토론 

    plase somebody translate this for me...ono boy send me this and I dont know that language yet so good... please we head a fithg a he writend that on African....anyway here is the text :
    gee nie om wie die sien nie...gee nie om wie wat dink nie..ek wil net vi ju se eks vlpn lief vir jou...en ek ht myself belowe ek gani op ons opgee ni,.. Ek kan mre 10 ander meisies kry..en jy kan mre 10 ouens kry punt is, ek sal eder elke dag sam ju hell dergan, aswat eki gelukugste mens is sam imand anders,almal het op verskilinde gud...eks ver vani beste ding af wat al met ju gebeer my oe oopgan dink ek an ju..tot hul we lyk dinge nu hu poef..en al isit super moeilik..ek gan ju nie latgani...ek gani opgee op ons nie...dit wat ek vi ju voel sal ek nooit we vi iemand voel nie...dars ng n lang pad vor,en ng bja om te my hart wet ekk dat ek met ju gan trou..en dat ons soos di hotste klein stoeierqis gan mak..enen 2 j ng hi was..jis ek so kwaad geword vi ju..en ons ht ngals bja beklei,.ma jy sal ni vistan hu ek dt mis om met ju te beklei ni..ons is in n kort ruki al der bja...messte van dt ws my in dai tyd ht jy noit opgegee op my ni.. En dis nu wat ek vi ju gn doen..ek gan vi ju doen wat j ng altyd vi my gedun ht...dat al dink jy disi ynde..gan ek viral ju hand los ni..der ali poef ht ons altyd we by mekar ytgekm..want ons is ment 2 be..elke ognd skrik ek 4 ur waker,want ds gewoonlik wane j bel...ek mis ju orals ini gym,ini kar,by my huis...ek di geluid wat jy mak as jy poep,alis alis alis van wt ek or drm en dagdrm is dai dag wt j trugkm.wat jy net als nergoi en na my 2 hardlop en op my spring en jy ju arms om my goi ,dit sal di hele O.R tambo vat om ju yt my arms te kry, dai prenqi wt ek kry as ek my oe 2mak van j wt na my 2 hardlop..dis wt my nou hop gee en wat my sterk mak..n mens mt ers der ali donker tye gan om di lig op di ynde te warder, greeffie eks vloek vloek lief vir ju, moet net noit my hand latgani,eks by ju elke dag ,10 ten 1dink seka ek prat nt klom poef nu,,ma ds vi rerg wat in my hart angan, geniet juself orc..onthu nt ek wag vi ju hi..I WILL FOLLOW U TILL THE END OF TIME ,nks of niemand ht al oit tusn ons gekm ni,en dars gen rede hkm iets ons nu ytmekar gan kry ni..ons liefde vi mekar is sterker as enageits..dars nks wt ons ni kn duni,cherey..poef harde en lang pad wat km wt wil ek SAL langs ju doodgan op n stoepi iewers op n plaas,mt n shake in my hand doodgan P.S gan j nu verdr slapiz?my slapiz:) (slap mt tiger elke aand)

    thank you ....please help

  • 게시한 사람  속 요하네스버그 공개토론 

    I doubt that you will eva go to the city centre unless its really necessary. The city centre is safe during the day. you normally hang around your area where you live. Ive lived here 6 years now and ive neva been robbed or hi jacked or any of the things that people normally say will happen to you in Johannesburg. I love joburg and i dont think i will eva leave. there's so much to do here. we work hard and we play hard. hope u will enjoy it wheneva you come here.

  • Living in Johannesburg

    게시한 사람 삭제된 사용자 속 요하네스버그 공개토론 

    Thanks for this information, Lenasia. I also heard that it is better not to go out of the car if you´re in the city. What about that?

  • Lenasia Watch의 프로프필로 이동

    게시한 사람  속 요하네스버그 공개토론 

    The only difference between Joburg (any place in SA really) is that security companies has been very successful in filling people with fear and for that reason all homes look like prisons with fences and walls and shit which most likely makes it dangerous because you are closed in and others cannot see your house being burgled should it ever happen! Sandton is an upmarket neighbourhood but a bit pretentious.
    Accommodation are good here as there are many hotels and inns are here for the tourists and travellers.

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