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timeline for fiancee visa?

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hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

Оди до профилот на ZD Pardo

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Yes ladies proficiat (congrats)! I know from the start that you will both get a positive result (and I prayed for you both) :D Let's celebrate! woot woot!

    @Desert Vixen - thanks for reading my blog and for the compliment. It's just really my way of helping out ladies who are just clueless (like me) about this tedious process. BTW, I don't have my passport stamped with the COF thing (I think it's not for Belgium).

    @Anna Liza - yes AKKOORD means agreement (or approval). The embassy will call (or email) you any time soon now.. :D

    And yes ladies we have to meet up here in Belgium. Keep me posted! God bless you both!


  • felGUY ****

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Ms. Desert Vixen,
    You're really excited. I do hope everything is positive for your visum and mine as well.I am looking forward to hear from you soon regarding the updates in the embassy.How wish I could have visum too.
    For your flights, take KLM , I am also planning KLM if ever I could have visum.

  • felGUY ****

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Hello Ms. ZD Pardo,
    Goed Morgen!
    How are you doing? I've been following your messages posted here and your blog site as well. Now you give hope to have a positive result regarding my visit a friend visum application. I still have anxious because I was not able to submit my Certificate of Employment maybe it would be one of the reason for the refusal of my application. But the lady who interviewed me in the embassy in Manila asked me if the company knows that I am on leave for 75 days. And I answered Yes, but without pay. And I asked her If I can still submit the COE and she told me, No need.
    I am looking forward to visit my special friend in Marke, Belgium. Now I am also waiting for the result. I am nervous thinking about the result.
    Dank you.

  • Desert Vixen

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    My fiancee and I have been checking for flights last night. The cheapest that we found was also from Etihad. But I might take KLM since that's the airline which has the best schedule for that day. I wish I can also fly as soon as possible but I still have to arrange quite a few things before I leave.

    I'm so anxious to hear from the Embassy. I might call them already. Hehehe. I'll update you about it. ;)

  • Anna Liza Gural

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Hey Desert Vixen!

    wow! seriously what a relief for us two here.. right now, i am packing my stuff little by little coz i know i will fly immediately days after i get that email from the embassy. Yes, i have a feeling that we will meet in the embassy and im very looking forward for this.

    yup, ZD Pardo is indeed our lucky charm! very much agree on that.

    do you know which airline you are flying to belgium?.. so far the cheapest i can get is Etihad.. $6+++USD oneway.. any suggestions as long as it is not online booking coz i dont use credit cards..


  • Desert Vixen

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    OMG. This is so insane. Hahaha! I can't believe we both had a visa approval on the same day. This is so awesome. Really! Sorry I was not able to reply immediately to you post because I was busy telling my fiance the good news. ;)

    Yes, you are so right, the AKKOORD means approved. And to make sure it is, I called the Immigration Services of Belgium myself and the guy I talked with confirmed to me that it was approved. Now, we just have to wait for the call/e-mail from the Embassy regarding the result. Actually, if they don't contact me tomorrow, I'm gonna call them on Friday and ask. My fiance and I already talked about our plans and we decided that it would be best for me to leave on May 27. That is our target date (hoping that things will go smoothly). We may be invited to come to the Embassy on the same day so let's keep each other posted. :)

    And to ZD Pardo, I think you are our lucky charm. You see? The two ladies you helped got a positive result in no time. You are truly an angel. :) And Anna Liza is right, we should all meet each other in Belgium. ;)

  • Anna Liza Gural

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    ZD Pardo,

    excellent composition and very deep detailing of events and actions taken. Im very much impressed!Kudos!

    I was so happy that i forwarded the link to my fiancee too.. it all starts with a spark of hope.. that spark is you ZD Pardo!

    and ofcourse to Desert Vixen, girl, you will never know, maybe we will be booking the same flight?? yehey!!!!

    let's keep in touch!


  • Anna Liza Gural

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Hey girls,

    i did not finished reading Desert Vixen's last blog and i just happen to finish it now after i post my blog about AKKOORD?!hehehe.. so , does this mean that our Fiancee Visa application is already Approved?! can someone please let me know?!!!

    and how come the embassy has not called me yet?.. OMG... girls im really getting excited!

    yup! you two girls, we totally have to meet up in belgium once we all get settled okay?.. seriously!

    and for Desert Vixen, did the embassy already called you to pick up your passport?

    gosh, im getting so excited!

  • Anna Liza Gural

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    Hi Desert Vixen,

    i understand that you have posted the link to check the status of your visa in belgium. well, me and my fiancee tried to check ours and in my status it says AKKOORD. does anyone knows what this mean?

  • Desert Vixen

    Објавено од  во Белгија форум  

    ZD Pardo, you rock!!!! Your blog is extremely detailed and informative. I don't think I can do the same. Hahaha! But I would really try. I showed my fiance your blog and we both promised ourselves that we're gonna share our experience too. I have found some forums where I saw posts from ladies like us who have questions about visa processing. So your blog alone can probably answer all the questions they have in mind. You are such an angel for all of us. I cannot thank you enough. :)

    Btw, there's something I haven't told my fiance yet since I found out about it just a few hours ago (and we have yet to meet on Skype 30mins from now). But since I feel that you and Anna Liza are already my friends (hahaha! =P) I might as well share the good news. AKKOORD. Yes, I saw that word on my visa application information (from the dofi thing website). I can't believe it went sooooo fast. :)) (Super smile)

    And here's a question though. Did you need to have your passport stamped with this COF thing? I saw from some forums that you need it when you get married abroad. But I don't know if it's true.

    And to Anna Liza,
    I can give you some hints on how it went sooo fast with my case. Throw some questions and I'll answer them. But yeah, pretty much, ZD Pardo already said it all. Hehehe. :)

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