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Anyone looking to socialize/ meet friends around Utrecht?

Geplaatst in Utrecht forum

Hey everyone. My name is Gaby and this past July(09) I moved to Utrecht to live with my Dutch boyfriend. I'd love to meet people from around this area. It's not too fun always being inside the house all day. Message me here or feel free to email me at [...]

Ga naar Verwijderde gebruiker's profiel

  • Sinem Altug

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    I am absolutely agree with you.
    It's been a great day.

    Ok then, let's date the next meet-up. How about friday this time? There is no work at the following day so we can spend much more time together.

    Friday, 22th of Jan, at 8 pm.

    Is that ok for all?

  • Blaise J


    geplaatst door  Blaise J in Utrecht forum 

    It was really cool meeting all of you people yesterday! Hope we gonna set up another meeting soon

  • geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    Hey everyone!

    This looks cool! some of you I know but most I dont, I have lived and worked in utrecht for nearly 1 year! see you all tomorrow night!!

  • Marine Vaillant

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    Sounds great - 13th at 8! I'll be there :-)

  • Hande Yildiz

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    hey guys,i moved to utrecht 2 moths ago and want to meet new people as well.so i'd like to join this meeting next week at 8 pm.
    i ll see ya there,byeee...

  • Ga naar Laura H's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    hey guys well i think i might make an appearance too if that's ok-just landed seems a good way to meet people ok so 13th 8pm outside post office at neude see you there byeeeeeeeeee

  • Sinem Altug

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    We are an open expat meet up group:)

    See you all.

  • Ga naar catarina rodrigues's profiel

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    Hello everyone:

    I recently moved to Utrecht and want to meet more people in my new city.

    Is it ok if I join your meeting next week?
    Looking forward to it!


  • Monica C

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    Hi guys,

    I'd like to join on th 13th aswel, I'm quite 'old' on the forum, we started a smal group together wt Laura H beggining april ' 09(Francisco and Noel know her already), so I didn't come online for a pretty long time. But I guess it's right about time to extend our group.

    So, if you agree, I'll be there on 13th Jan at 8pm ?

  • Francisco Cardoso

    geplaatst door  in Utrecht forum 

    8pm in front of the post office at Neude on 13th I will be there as well

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