English table for expats at Soirée Terrible (boardgames event)


Inn R Green Restaurant

Route de Lennik 1041, Anderlecht, Belgium Kaart

Once a month Tibi (see Boitecasts) is organizing a Boardgame Event in Anderlecht, near Erasme. It's about 10 minutes walk from the Erasme metro station. You can grab a bite and play from 7:30 PM till (past) Midnight (most people arrive between 7-8 PM). You will have 30+ boxes available for pickup at your table. Someone will come over to help you out with the rules & game mechanics.

Boardgame Monkeys is organizing one or more tables for English speaking players at this event, you can register to join us via the Meetup Group (see website). You will find us in the crowd with our White/Red T-shirt having the Monkeys logo. We will have our association boardgames with us and will ensure explanations to help you enjoying the night.

You can RSVP on our Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Boardgame-Monkeys-Brussels/

Note: a small 3€ participation fee is requested by the organizers (Tibi of Soirées Terribles) for the funding of new games and logistics.

Let me know if any questions (email at contact@boardgamemonkeys.be).

See you soon,


PG Pecquereau
 PG Pecquereau