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Coming to Hannover for two months - any families living there?

Dodane na Hanower forum

My son is 14 and has a rare genetic illness. We are Australian and live near Brisbane in Queensland. I am bringing him to Hannover in mid November 2009 for experimental treatment at:
Hannover Medical School
Childrens Hospital
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, OE 6780
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover
We only know the Professor doing the procedure (who we met in the USA once earlier this year), and would really like to be able to find a family who know the area and can be our surrogate support network while we are there. We have accommodation supplied at the hospital so we just need some friends to talk to and get advice from. Early after we arrive we should have a few hours on some days to explore the city - then my son will have the transplant and will be contained in the Hospital. If anyone out there can help us with some local knowledge and a little TLC we would be so grateful.

  • dodane przez  w  Hanower forum 

    Hi! :)

    Wish you good luck with the surgery!
    If you need help speaking to locals in conversational German, or in finding the Medical University's buildings or in getting around a bit, when u arrive to Hannover, you can write me an email: [...]
    I live just near the MHH (medical university hannover), in the student dorms, I am a graduate student.
    Also, I worked as a nanny for few years, I am 23, by the way. So, if you will need a nanny while you are in Hannover, you can count on me! :)
    I am looking for part-time babysitter job right now :)

    Anyway, wishing you and your son all the best!!! :) Hopefully, everything will go great! :)

    take care!

    best wishes,
    Jill :)

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