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German men

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I'm hearing lots of terrible stories about German men and their lack of romance. Is this true? Anybody got any "real-life experience"? :-)

  • insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    ...German man comes in a variety of sizes and hair colours and complete with a free pair of Birkenstock sandals.
    He may not look like much, or be very funny, he may not have a good dress sense (okay, he will surely not have great style) and he is about as romantic as, say, a very depressed Finn or two Swiss men (no offence!), BUT...

    ...he has a 10-year warranty against rust perforation, can be fed with a cheap diet of canned beer, spuds and meat-based products and may be capable of basic household maintenance.
    German man has shown average to good relationship results if carefully trained. Get one now!

  • Gå till Tegi Gongju's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I just couldn't stop smiling reading your post. So funny and so glad that my German friend fit the description - almost entirely...but 6 months ago. I'm about as honest about my disapprovals of his behavior as he is about mine. I told him that in this country it is common curtesy for men to hold doors for women and never tell a woman that she's too chatty.
    He got it! He still forgets to wait for me walking in the city - he's often an entire block ahead of me. I had to call him on the cell phone to wait when I got stuck at a red light and he just kept walking. But he tries to remember to hold the door and order food or drinks for me. He tells me that he likes my shoes (even the ones that slow me down). I think he appreciates that I am telling him about our cultural differences. He admitted also the other day that - although he might not chat too much - he likes listening to my chatty stories. : )
    He's honest but learning not to be too brutally honest. Knowing when certain things are better left unsaid. it's not worth seeing me tearing through in a total rage. I think that he's changing for me. I think that's so sweet. He thinks about how i will react and will do things to get me to smile ... haven't gotten to the full all out laughter yet. We'll get there.
    One thing I realize though - can't speak for all German men but just this one - I have to be careful what I say and how I touch him. A shove is too aggressive - for example. Touching his hair is out of the question - too forward. Making fun of his looks can really kill the moment - even when it's just teasing. I stopped teasing. he doesn't want to be thought as looking silly or ridiculous or the worst yet - stupid.
    We're taking things slowly. We're getting to know each other first and learning to respect each other's differences and boundaries. Do I know how he cares for me? Absolutely. Is he going to do something about it? No way. Not until...I say very clearly and honestly that I feel the same too. He doesn't mean to be romantic but this has been quite an experience for me.

  • Gå till Mai Ka's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I used to work at a travel agency where I met people from worldwide, and of course including my current German boyfriend. Before I met him, I had thought German men are very cold, structural and not as gentle as other countries'. But, he appeared and changed my mind. He's very friendly, caring, intelligent, and serious that we women highly appreciate. He even invited me to visit his family as well as his friends so that I got to know him better. They were all very nice and cared about me. Staying by his side, I never feel depressed. He's the best guy I've met so far, though we're now apart but we're trying to be together soon ^^

  • Gå till Pimviman Wongtewan's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I Agree with Lucy T. I'm married 10 years already with a German man ,we have one kid together, I had many romantic experience with him , but not all the time when he must do his job he quite serious , then holiday time come he can relax.... his romantic send to me come from his heart i can feel that, I'm very happy to live with him ....

  • insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Dear Blizzy,

    I cannot speak for all the other German men out there, but I can assure you that I can be very romantic.
    But it is, sadly enough, very true that we German guys are not the most accomplished men in the world when it comes to showing that.
    My theory is that we learn from a very early age that showing romantic interest in a girl is not a good thing to do, i.e. it is actively discouraged by german women. Flirting is defintely not our national pastime :).
    So be patient with us, we are simply untrained.
    And it is true, if we give compliments, we really, really mean it. That´s because we are afraid we might be subjected to a polygraph test afterwards - which might give you a hint at how german women react to compliments (not all of them, of course).

  • Gå till NITA 9300's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Hello A. Barber,

    I'm sorry I just got your response. In fact I had no idea this thread was still up until my email said there was a response to the topic. I often wondered what became of it. Thank you for your reply.

    Well my German and I have become closer of some sorts. We have been talking online and recently on Skpe. He has been showing himself on cam for months now but i was to shy to do so. I finaly revealed myself and he loves it. I will be going to meet him in another month. I'm very nervous but I look forward to seeing if we have chemistry in person and I've always wanted to visit Germany. Particularly Munich, but he doesn't live there so I will be further south west.

    I don't have much experience with Germans or the culture but I hear the food is really good and rich.

    Wish me luck.

  • christa barbara asal

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    it is really funny and I agree with Wolfgang that all stereotypes are reasonable and the way describing how you'll split the bill is perfect :-)
    about the women here in Germany, I am one of those German Women, you are right if you got their friendship it will be an everlasting friendship till the end of days on this planet and to say it with Goethe "there is no feeling for the friendship, no emotion into a friendship worth it as I realised it in the way "the Germans do"!!!... but you may read it by your own:-)

    Thank you for your lines, making me laugh and giving me a widely smile onto my face. It's simply wonderful !!!
    What an article and what a writer!!!
    My congrats

  • San C

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I just could said that my German is the best that I have in my life...I don't know the anothers.He's so sweet, tender,smart....

  • Lucy T.

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum husband is german and i also feel glad to have him by my side.the best 3 years of my life since i met him.


  • JeSe Drü

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I'm married to a german guy, and I can say that I'm lucky. I think it's all depend on the personality and the individuality of one's person.

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