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Discrimination and Racism in the Netherlands

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After reading an article this morning, I needed to get input from people actually living in the area. The article was discussing European countries and Anti Islamic sentiment. In the article in mentioned a political group in the netherlands that was in the same neo nazi mind set that a ethnic group should be set apart and monitared. I became very disheartened because we've been considering a move to the Netherlands for a long time. We are fed up with U.S. government and culture, and one of our biggest issues is the ignorance and intolerance to different culture and religion. So my question is how often do you honestly come across this kind of social ignorance in day to day life, and how much is it a part of the politics of the day??

Silinmiş kişi kullanıcısının profiline gidin

  • Ton Bakker

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    George, USA and Canadian citizen can, accordingly the Friendshiptreaty with NL, apply for a staying permit in NL, fe as a selfemployed, with a minimun investment. And they can apply for a staying permit WITHOUT MVV 9[application for permit to enter and stay in NL]

  • Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    hi jasuin,just to say it long got there in the end,but finally know where i am staying amsterdam nieuw slotania ,but will need to rent in area or closest to itwill be arriving in time for the december month. evrrything im behind in wish me luck for safe arrival,i will keep in contact.

  • Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    hi jasuin,just to say it long got there in the end,but finally know where i am staying amsterdam nieuw slotania ,but will need to rent in area or closest to itwill be arriving in time for the december month. evrrything im behind in wish me luck for safe arrival,i will keep in contact.

  • Ton Bakker

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    Jess , if you would take time to read the first alinea, you would have read the possibillity to apply for a staying permit in NL as a selfemployed, and the conditions for it..

    The 90 days period in 6 months,can be passed by with a technical move , called double entrance. , what in short means, you leave Schengen area within the 3 months for a few days,[1] come back, and after 2 weeks you do it again.[2] after the 2nd time, your 3 months start counting again from zero.Because the rule is that the period of staying starts from the first entrance before the last ...It is only valid for people who don't need visa to visit EC.F.e. stay 65 days- leave 4- stay 10 days, leave 4 you stayed 65plus 20=85, but starts counting again at day 1 after the first return,so you have 90 -10-4 days left.

  • Jess K kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    Hi George,

    You're right about the Shengen Treaty. The Netherlands shows no special treatment to US citizens. US citizens are only allowed to stay here in the Netherlands or any other country who is part of the Shengen Treaty for a period of 3 months and not more. They must then leave for a period of 3 months before they are welcome back (this is without a residence permit, of course). The Netherlands is quite strict on who they will allow to stay here, regardless of their purpose of stay or country of citizenship.

    I can tell you this first-hand as an American who has been living in the Netherlands for a while now. I think there is some false notion of hope going around among US citizens that they can move anywhere they want to because they hold a US passport, but that just isn't so.

    Hope that answers your question!

    Have a great day!

  • Ton Bakker


    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  Ton Bakker : Hollanda forumu 

    haha, I work at home, and look after Lance, and my wife works.Is not unusual in NL, neither the other way round or other combination.

  • Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    As far as the military goes and how they treat their men, yes I'm sure if we gathered enough we have a snowballs chance in hell. The contracts they write up have made it very difficult to get any kind of retribution. The next thing I wanted to address is the terrorism fears that I hold. I do live in a very small area that most do not fear, but as I've said before I'm globally minded. Even if its not my town, I would be very troubled. We do live very close to a nuclear power plant that we've been told could very well become a target. Its not just the Islamic terrorists I fear. There is a time of great turmoil coming, and I do think the U.S. may be the catalyst of it all. I did not leave any country off our list with any particular reason, and didn't add any in particular either. We started with a list of about 10, and after reviewing our basic goals and needs crossed a few off. There are plenty more we'd probably look into. We are still in the very early stages of planning. The California/Moscow comment was not meant to mean those actual places. Growing up here in the U.S. every teen hopes to one day see California, its been idolized to be the haven for free minded, and happy people, the same way Moscow has been idolized in Russian Lit. Its just always been a "personal mecca". I do not claim any particular religion. I do believe in a higher power that created and guides us. I feel as though I am just a lowly person who will never be able to find gods truth, so wont make commitments to any church. I pull major theologies from different religions. I have a lot of respect for the Hindu and Jewish communities. I do believe in same beliefs held by "Christians" and even yes understand and appreciate the Islamic religion. So not it doesn't have to do with any religious reasons. I am a history buff, and when we discussed the Holocaust and WW2 I became fascinated by the people in the regions nearby. I studied up on the cultures and society's of those people. That's how I first became familiar with the Netherlands. As a side note, I am a mixed mutt American, my bloodlines are indecipherable, mostly Finnish and Scandinavian from the family's oral history, my husbands fathers family is very much Italian but hes the 4th generation I do believe. Italy was taken from our list though because of the steadfast gender stereotypes. I am a modern woman who works, and my husband takes care of our son. He cooks and cleans, and fixes the vehicle and the house, but I also will. From what I've read and seen, most Italian families would not understand or readily accept it.

  • Ton Bakker

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    Barbara, since you have US Citizenship, and NL and USA have a friendshipagreement, you can come here for 3 months,wihout visa and apply for Staying permit without MVV, if you f.e. make an investment of 3000Euro for a pivate business.
    You are very welcome, many Ynks, Aussies a,Canadians and LImeys came before you.
    I think the special bond with USA is also because of the many Dutch Immigrants, the historical ties, heck New York was ours,lol.
    Advantage is also that in NL we don't have all movies in original language , so most English, children get English lessons from Group 5 [ 9 yrs old], because you'll need English for many subjects.And on Internet most is English.So we're adjusted to recieve English speaking people.
    Your fear of anaother attack on the USA I don't share, such a big country has so many targets, why should it be in ur neighbourhood.And I think there are more targets than the USA, and the Alquaida-bunch must understand by now , that a second attack wil mean heavy repercussions.
    But , yes , NL is saver...Only if the dikes collaps we have a problem.....

  • Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    So many questions, so please forgive me if I miss one or two. First, yes I have looked over both sites that you were nice enough to leave for me. I had reviewed them months ago, but was a good refresher. Second, yes we know many others who were mistreated after they left the military. My husband was what many refer to as a "grunt". He was an infantry soldier, the deadliest job for the military, especially during war time. They were consistently treated like nothing more than mules. He worked every holiday, every weekend, and too many 23 hour days. He never complained and was very proud to serve. After he was discharged he was denied the education benefits that they pay for the first 2 years they serve, because he was 2 days shy of his full term, based on how the military processed him. We know all too many man that were treated the same, especially the "grunts". Next, the danger we fear here is not based on religion or color. We are very much standard americans. We fear for our safety, because we feel like its only a matter of time before there is another attack on the U.S. We also fear because we are very blantant about our distaste for most things "american" the diet, the culture, the ignorance, the politics. We fear in these tough times we may become targeted. As far as Americans not being aware of the world around them, YES, that is very much the truth. They are clueless, and what they do know they pull from mainstream media, which may claim to be "free media" but its run by major corporate and political players. There is a bias to the media, what we hear of the outside world is what they want. We hear the "bad things" our enemies do, and nothing else. Its become a tool to control americans through fear. Unless you look very hard to find foriegn news sources that can be trusted, you are blinded. Also, yes the cost of getting an education is insane. Right after high school, I was accept as a baking student at a very good, but not the best "state college" which means its associated with the state I live in, and "cheaper". My first year was supposed to cost me over $30,000 and that was after my "federal and state aid", aka the money the government gives to help pay the cost. I couldnt attend because I could gather enough money in loans.
    The other question I wanted to be sure to address was the other countries we had looked into. All are still on consideration by the way. -- Canada, New Zealand, France, Italy and I think we had discussed a few others but without much true interest. I am more attached to the Netherlands. It is my california, my moscow, is you understand my meaning. I've always held an interest in the culture and society there.

  • Ton Bakker

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Hollanda forumu 

    I don't answer because you're closed for the knowledge of a Dutchman.In NL we have freedom of speech, as long as you don't call for hatred against any group.And Wilders is a member of parliament.
    Endless discussion with a prejudice person is useless.

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