2023 The 7th International Conference on Video and Image Processing (icvip 2023)

2023 The 7th International Conference on Video and Image Processing (icvip 2023)



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Kyoto, Japan

کیوٹو, جاپان نقشہ

The accepted papers after peer-review will be collected in the conference proceedings, which is indexed by Scopus, and Ei Compendex.

*ICVIP2022 - The proceedings of ICVIP2022 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
*ICVIP2021 - The proceedings of ICVIP2021 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
*ICVIP2020 - The proceedings of ICVIP2020 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
*ICVIP2019 - The proceedings of ICVIP2019 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
*ICVIP2018 - The proceedings of ICVIP2018 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.
*ICVIP2017 - The proceedings of ICVIP2017 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.

*3D images and models
*3D imaging
*Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for images, audio and video
*Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos
*Applications in broadcast, web, cultural heritage, satellite, forensic, and (bio-)medical image and video collections
*Case studies and emerging technologies
*Classification and clustering techniques
*Color and texture
*Compression methods

Paper Submission
1, Email: icvip2017@outlook.com
2, Electronic submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icvip2023

Riko Wong
E-mail: icvip2017@outlook.com
Website: http://icvip.org/index.html
Tel: (00) 1 6193091099 (EN)

جائیں اس یوزر کےEmma Wong's پروفائل پر
 Emma Wong
  • Vinnny Broun
     Vinnny Broun

    I'm really looking forward to this event, because it should be a breakthrough in the world of photography and video. The technologies that will be presented there will make a real splash. So I could not afford to miss this event. It will allow me to make my work even better. For example, the san diego skyline I recently photographed will get new colors and better image clarity. In short, the progress in terms of photography will be incredible. The same applies to video shooting, because the new software will allow for more automated lens operation, which will allow you to make incredible videos.