Marco Mtui

Thông tin về quản trị viên

Marco Mtui
 Marco Mtui
Thông tin về quản trị viên:
It is exciting to be part of Borderless Tours & Safaris Ltd.. As a Founder / Director, it is important to me that our product continues to meet the wish demands of our esteem Clients. We mostly deal with Mountain Kilimanjaro trekking as I have been part of trekking since I was young. I am from Kilimanjaro Region and during my age of 15 I started going up Kilimanjaro as a porter several times in order to get my school fees. It was bad idea but I had to do this as my family was not able to pay for my school fees, it encouraged me as I was meeting different people and learned a lot. I knew why some reach at the top (Uhuru peak) and other didn't make it - it was all because of poor Information, poor Services and poor Gears provided by the Local Operators. Trekking Kilimanjaro is all about someone who really knows the Mountain and Cares about the clients; it's not all about making money as you can risk someone's life (Porters or Tourist). Our services on trekking is wholesome as I really know what someone need to make it to the top, My team of Guides and Porters are professional and have been proved the best. Marco Mtui. Director
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Borderless Tours & Safaris
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Tour Operator
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Sự nghiệp trước đây:
Borderless Tours and Safaris is an extra ordinary safari company that is dedicated to excellence and with successful safaris and Trekking. Formerly known as No Boundary Safaris But the name change to Borderless Tours due to marketing strategy.
+255 27 254 6232
+255 754330052
P.O.Box 189