• John Lovejoy اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  John Lovejoy في منتدى ألمانيا 

    To quote you.
    “it's just not bad enough yet for now.”

    I concur, there is still some cake to pass around keeping people complacent.
    And the bill in full hasn’t come in yet.
    But it is unsustainable and will collapse.
    We are seeing the tell tales signs and this is just the beginning.

    But it will also hurt the US because we’re financially too intertwined.
    Every time another mismanaged European welfare state goes bankrupt, American tax payers foot part of the bail out bill via the IMF.

    Look at the last 30 years of the US, the more we’ve become financially entwined with Europe and or adopted their entitlement systems the more debt we have incurred and the less better of our people are off.
    Another thing, Europe is not a country.
    You can’t force cultures that share so few values with one another into one pot.
    There is nothing natural about that and will back fire.

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