• jack garcia


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  jack garcia في منتدى البرتغال 

    First, it would appear that you need to calm yourself down before you write. You shouldn't let your rage dictate what your fingers type.

    Now, you are certainly not black because even a rudimentary evaluation of your grammatical structure and syntax clearly shows you have not the poetic diction that clearly resonates with each sentence uttered by any member of the black community. Through your comments, it is quite clearly observed that you disassociate yourself from the black community. So, yes- very clearly you are white; lily white. As for your gender, it is highly doubtful that you are a female. As for Portugal being your country of origin- no, it clearly is not. As to your being Portuguese (And, readers, I'm stifling my laughter, here!) No, you most certainly are not Portuguese.

    With each comment that your elbow types on your keyboard, we may observe very clear racist comments.

    As to the Portuguese attitude towards the black community -unless you are a member of PNR - then, the attitude is extremely good.

    As to the white man having the last word: any one with a whit of intelligence knows that there is no such thing as the last word.

    As to your bearing the flag of Portugal in your profile: for shame. The Portuguese respect their flag- as do all true patriots.

    Finally, to re-iterate (A real word) You are not black, you are not Portuguese, it is doubtful you are, in fact, female (Somebody please check the label on the test-tube).

    Please, though, feel free to look me up if ever you come to Portugal - and, don't worry: we like white people too! Mais tarde!

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