• Anton Larsson


    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Anton Larsson في منتدى أسبانيا 

    Hello everyone!
    My name is anton and I'm not living in Spain just yet, hopefully that will change very soon! I live in Greece at the moment, making my living as a bar-musician, although it doesn't really cover my expenses... I lived in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia for 1 year, doing an EVS-projekt(volonteer) and I completely fell in love with Spain. So now I wanna move back hopefully to stay longer this time. The fact that I already learnt spanish and lived in spain for 1 year should make this a little easier, atleast that's what I hope! I wish to move somewhere in Andalucía as the whole situation and flamenco stuff over there is highly interesting to me! ;)
    Anyway this site seems amazing and I'm sure I'll meet some nice people and that we'll be able to help eachother!! Abrazos /"Antonio"

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