• Отиди на профила на patrick eso

    racism still there.

    публикувано от  patrick eso в Германия форум 

    @Oliver H,
    What is in your mind about the flag next to me, you want to say?I am a free human being , educated , tolerance, good critics of what I consider sometimes marginalisation of other beings .I was not brought up a nationalist!.I want to be treated as equal under any situation or I will criticise that situation.That is whom I am.To emphacise more on these, Look at what is happening in the U.S today, in their Political news. Some people who believe in racism are Questioning if Mr Obama is born in the U.S at all.What is the motive behind these.Even when he released his birth certificate ,there are still not sartisfied,they are saying now the have to look at it again to see how genuin it is.Before he was elected I was still living in Germany .At the beginning some people was writing all kinds of things about him which were sterotyping. I read it and only laugh out. I told a lot of my German friends at the time.These man is going to make history, none believed me. I went with a friend to visit a family lawyer at the time. These discussion came out again.The Lawyer said to me , what do you guys think about the chances Obama winning the ticket , I simply said God is at work .It happened, When you see young white Americans with college degrees enjoying African American Hip pops, what should you expect then in return. Some of them their parents tried but failed in brain washing them. if you can not beat them, join them.

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