• Отиди на профила на canuck s

    reply to Davor and others

    публикувано от  canuck s в Швейцария форум 

    I don't think you correctly understand what we (I'm not referring to the bashers, or the people that feel the need to swear excessively) are trying to say. In order to START a friendship, TWO (2) people need to meet, for a coffee, or a walk, or WHATEVER: But that's the thing, the Swiss grew up in their tiny villages with their little circle of friends, and very very rarely have an interest in making friends outside their village, or even leaving their village to do something. Maybe it's the city vs village mentatlity. I've met at least 30 women in the past 4 years, and tried to build up something substantial, but the fact is THEY DON¨T WANT TO: They expect the forgeigner to do all the work, and aren't interested in making any effort themselves. If it's true that they just don't like foreigenrs, ok, no problem, that's their right. But then don't get upset when we state the fact that it's hard to make friends here, when that's the truth. Swiss people just aren't very friendly. It's ok. Be like that forever, it's not like being open to new experiences would ever enrich your life. Problems with foreigenrs exist in every country, Canada has the same issues, but yet, Canadians are world renowned for their friendliness. We don't justify our racism, we don't need excuses to not befriend people. I have done my best to integrate myself, speak high german and swiss german, follow all the cultural procedures, respect du/Sie, everything, it doesn't make a difference. I'm tired of doing all the work and still being discriminated against. So rather than try to keep looking for one cool Swiss person, I'm saving up to go home. Really your loss, because there are many hard working, honest, firendly, fun expats that hve a lot to share with the Swiss.

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