• Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Čína 

    Hi Guys!

    I am married to a Chinese and i'm glad my husband isn't a shy type of person. One thing maybe is he speaks very good English. He is very open-minded and can embrace different culture. Honestly, he was discussing to me that once his friends learn that he's accepting different cultures it's kind of weird and shame! They will think 'Oh u just left China, u have changed'!

    I can say, He is still very Chinese, i mean he has his values which is ok with me. but he is always neutral. He can speak with his mind and i discuss with him. He's open with arguments. I think Chinese men are born to be shy because of what they inherited from their parents. Chinese are known to be very conservative, shy and preserved.

    Also when they are with foreigners, they have a language barrier which makes them feel intimidated and quiet. But young people nowadays are changing. My husband's friends are very well socialized (in their hometown in China). It still depends on their personalities. Some are open, some are not.

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