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    Emmanuel Merman i don't know anything about this i am even myself in a complicated situation.So at my townhall the stupid employer that i found there refuge to take my registration into account saying that i can not register as a member of the familly of a citizen of the EU as the european is my child and my child should register on my adress.and i am not european.What ridiculuous she even had to ask her collegue for that.I came in Belgium and a jurist send them a request on the 9 bis wich they sent back saying thatit has to be re-writed in dutch.That lawyer only speaks english.So i am paying 2 months rent for not even being register.Kruispunt is the most stupid organisation ever.They only provide advices by phone they told me.i called several time and got a big telephone bills because of them i never received any advice from them.

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