• Reenie G

    Nothing disrespectful

    Aufgegeben von  Reenie G in Costa Rica Forum  


    If you go back and reread my post there was NOTHING DISRESPECTFUL in it, NOTHING! In fact, I THANKED YOU MULTIPLE TIMES!! :))

    I was saying you personally are not answering my questions which again you did not. That is not disrespectful. It is just a fact. So, Christina, as you admit here yourself, you are not out to sway anyone one way or another. And I am looking to be swayed to either Urzola or Arguello.

    Please don't keep addressing me if you do not have that information. And btw, no you never mentioned Brazil nor what you do. It's clearly spelled out on your profile.

    And I am well aware Brazil is pricey because they claim to be the capital of the world for PS, just like Scottsdale AZ is the capital of the US!

    Good night and God bless you. ;)

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