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    visit Germany

    Aufgegeben von  T Y in Deutschland Forum  

    you can ask 100's of foreigners and Germans the same question, but you'll get 100's of different answers. the best way to find that out is to just go there for a little while, even for a week or 2, and see it for yourself.

    multiculturalism is utterly failed in Germany, not celebrated. ask Angela Merkel. that's what she said. and I agree. you can't force multiculturalism on every nation.

    I've been to the USA, France, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, the UK, Canada, and Germany, and personally, Germans are hands down the least friendly people, with of course an exception of a few very nice ones who try to make a difference. there are odd racists here and there for sure in every country, but they are the only mean ones you can avoid easily. but what makes Germany different is that most Germans have a different understanding of what's prejudice / racism and what's "normal" and acceptable, it might be due to the cultural difference, this is what makes Germany unique, especially for visible minorities. an old grandma might spit on you, a 10 year old kid might make a racist comment, and forget about finding a decent paying job. it's just the way they are. in many countries, they could be considered racists, but in Germany, they are normal, let alone racist! if you are in Germany, accept it. if you can stand it, it's a great country.

    anyhow, you should visit Germany. I highly recommend Berlin.

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