• soy Salvadoreña y puedo ayudarte

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από Διαγραμμένος χρήστης σε φόρουμ Ελ Σαλβαδόρ 

    I am salvadorean, my english is not good but I could help you. I am Living in the occident of the country but if you want to live in the Capital San Salvador, my sisters work there, they are secretary and nurse.
    Will you work?
    Do you speak spanish?
    If you speak spanish, is easy you can find work, in El Salvador, there are a lot of school teaching english and they could give you work.
    If you want I can help you, I know San Salvador and Sonsonate for example, It is an one hour of San Salvador and the houses rent costs $100.00 more or less in month.
    Write me : [...]

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