• Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Robert Haighton

    Re Can someone explain me WHY those people still think so different compared to

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Robert Haighton σε φόρουμ Φιλιππίνες 

    Dear Oliver Sta. Maria,

    Thank you for your elaborate response.

    You say that most people in your country do not have the knowledge. Why is that? What were they taught in school? Nothing? How do they use the internet? Only chatting, only social media? There is a world out there to be discovered by using the internet. Whenever I read or hear something that I want to know more about, I will Google that topic and/or I will visit Wikipedia.

    What about all those OFW's? They are in foreign countries and mingling with many foreigners. Dont those OFW's start to learn to look at things differently simply by the fact that they are abroad? Or will they only mingle with people coming from their own country while being in that foreign country?
    How do you think I learned so much about the Philippines? I did that by using my eyes (observation), listening and reading. Then I started to think about it and try to see if it had some merit and/or advantages for me so I could do the same as they are doing. Unfortunately, nothing that I saw was beneficial for me. But then again, many Philippine laws hinder my personal freedom as well as many cultural "laws"/traditions hinder my personal freedom.

    I am very much amazed that so many Philippine people still believe in god and that nobody is ever critical about his existenze and critical about the bible itself. (the bible is full with contradictions and very female-unfriendly)
    I am very much amazed/shocked that PDA (Public Display of Affection) is frowned upon.
    I am very much amazed/shocked that so many Philippine people still procreate when they have no dime to spare.
    I am very much amazed/shocked that a country needs a RH law to regulate the population (it only needs your logic and your brains. If I dont have a dime then I wont take any kids). You know what our mom told us: "we (my parents) want you (her kids) to have a better life than we ever did". I am sure my mom meant that both quality wise as in all other aspects.

    As far as seeing the ruins etc that you mention I can say this that I am a little bit bound (limited) to Cebu island. But for sure, I hope to see them one day (soon)

    (Tuesday 29 October 2013 at 07.18PM Dutch time)

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