• jack garcia


    publicado por  jack garcia en Foro de Portugal 

    You seem to have quite a few prejudices, do you not. You have, now, denigrated your comments to the negative comparism of races. It is unclear to me from whence comes your vast reservoir of misconceptions- not only concerning Portugal but other countries too. In your prior statements you even referred to the Algarve as 'an exotic island'. It's unclear to me as to which 'Algarve' your reference appertains. It is clear to me, however, that the 'Algarve', wherein I reside, is not an island- however, perhaps on your planet- planet Crackpot- it is an island.

    It is my assertation that you are merely taking advantage of the long history of struggle which black communities have had to endure- and, still, endure - as a podium to seek attention and establish yourself as a loquacious adherent of rational debate. However, your words are merely that of the sophist garbled by the literary dredges of aspiring, middle-class buffoonery.

    Lastly, stop trying to think black. You're not black. You try to evaluate black recognition with the same words found in the dictionary of white supremacy. I cannot even conceive of the black man's long history of suffering counterpoised in such a world as this. From what I have observed here in the Algarve and other countries is that the black man does not judge himself by the standards of the white man - fortunately.

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