• Mine T Y profiilile

    not in the blood

    postitaja  T Y sees Saksamaa foorum 

    I think you are taking our comments PERSONALLY. when we bitch about Germans, it's more of sharing our personal experiences that actually happened. there's no need to deny it. facts are facts. so you may not be a racist, but you are not the majority. all we are saying is, we experienced unpleasant incidents (that can be defined as racism in other countries), more often than in any other countries. that's all. and I agree, it's not in the German blood as I know many Canadians with German origin. and I never implied it either. and they are nothing like the Germans I met in Germany. as I said before, it's in the upbringing. racism is taught and learned at home, at school, and in everyday life. and you are defending the Germans because you may not be a right wing racist. we aren't talking about you, but other Germans, which you don't have any control over. let's just say it's not your fault if other Germans act like racists. but we are just swapping stories.

    but I do have a problem with the German foreign / immigration policies rather than the Germans. we tend to discuss the matter as if multiculturalism were the future for every country. it isn't, at least most countries are not ready for it, and I'm saying it's a OK. but if the government forces multi-kulti on its people while deceiving the immigrants, then it pisses me off because both Germans and the foreigners are under the illusion that there's this functional multiculturalism already in place in German society that's what's to be expected in Germany. it just isn't so. your government wants to look good in the international stage, trying to mask the past.

    in many of commonwealth nations, immigration became part of its culture, and it's been so long and they are already so diverse that everyone benefits from multiculturalism, whereas Germany, France or Japan, just for the sake of having an example, has already established a very particular distinct culture and the majority of the people are used to it, and I personally appreciate every one of them. and they don't need the multiculturalism, they can do fine without it. but in case they WANT to become a multicultural society, then it has to come from the people, without becoming brainwashed believing multi-kulti is the only way to go and the ultimate utopia, and to stay politically correct. and at what cost? I don't expect Germans to be friendly to foreigners since they didn't want to have so many Ausländer there to begin with. and I'm not talking about you, per se, but from my experience and from what I've heard from many others, majority of the Germans, of course with exceptions, are not too fond of the current immigration policy. this is why they seem rather reluctant to deal with foreigners. and I'm saying that's alright, it's just the result of government manipulation. but the government needs to respond to that sentiment. no Ausländer nor many Germans (may not be you, but many other) are happy. there are reasons why Sarrazin's book became a bestseller. and I read somewhere that 80% of Germans would be just fine without Ausländer in Germany.

    and I personally feel strongly about every nation's sovereignty. if the government respected the sentiment of its people, they would be a lot more content, therefore a little friendlier towards Ausländer. and only THEN Ausländer would feel comfortable in your country. but keeping throwing tax payers' money at the problem will only anger the people who in turn hate Ausländer even more.

    and while I can appreciate you defending your country because you don't want to be called a racist, in reality, it's not a constructive way to go about it. you have to realize that Germans are screaming for more German identity in Germany. it doesn't have to be in a form of racism. many Germans feel they are under threat. Germany needs a fundamental change in immigration policy to stop this vicious cycle. and the first step is to stop advertising itself as a Ausländer-friendly multicultural country that welcomes everyone.

    I've never seen so many angry aggressive Turks in Germany though Turks I met in Canada, or Muslims for that matter, are nothing like them. I can't help but wonder what made them so hostile. it's not in their blood or culture. I believe it's because of how they've been treated in Germany. they are targeted. that's why they hate it in Germany. Germany needs to fix that before allowing even more immigrants because obviously your country is not capable of keeping immigrants happy, and not to mention all the pissed Germans because of the immigrants.

    and yes, my partner is a German who's under the impression that Germany has no issues with racism, or not worse than other countries. she's wrong according to my experience.

    In case you are thinking people like me and John are exerggerating the situation, No, we aren't dreaming. It takes more than a few bad apples to keep Auslaender out of the society.


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