• Siirry T Y:n profiiliin

    of course!

    lähettäjä  T Y in Saksa foorumi 

    of course a massive exodus would be just impossible, but I don't believe there can ever be a soft landing to a common solution to the racism issue in Germany. the government is waiting for so called multiculturalism to magically find its way to a new harmonious Germany.

    I don't think Germans will ever find an acceptable compromise to live with foreigners happily ever after. it takes a very radical approach to change the status quo especially in a country like Germany, until then, meaning not in our life time, immigrants won't be treated as a part of German society.

    of course that's not limited to Germany, racism is on the rise in many other European countries now.

    and where you like it or not, Germans (or the nanny State they have believed in) built Germany for themselves. ultimately Germans will have to decide whether to include or segregate immigrants.

    integration takes more than participation of the immigrants. there needs to be a radical change coming from the people of Germany.

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