Gaia Arcagni

Tietoja minusta

Gaia Arcagni
 Gaia Arcagni
Milan (Italy)
English, Italian
38 vuotta
Italy, Japan, Portugal, United States, Milan, Edinburgh


Animals/Pets, Art, Coffee, tea and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Photography, Travel/Sightseeing, Football (American), Japan


Executive Assistant


  • Yasunobu Matsui
    Yasunobu Matsui

    IM JOBLESS(here in Tokyo NOW) and URGENTLY needing my NEW JOB ASAP NOW!!! PLZ HELP ME ASAP!!!

    *my Brief personal statement is as written below.
    I was born in Tokyo/Japan in Asia Pacific Region of this World back in 1975 on June,27th and got Raised UP in Europe for total of 11 Years by my Families due to my Father's International Trading Business. First, I lived for 6 years in London/UK 1976-1982 between most of my infant Ages of 1-6 years old attending a local Public British School of suburb London(Surrey) and then I lived and studied for 5 more years in Hamburg/West.Germany 1988-1993 between all of my teenage Ages of 13-18 years old attending a local School called ISH(International School of Hamburg) then coming back to Japan(Tokyo) in 1993, I Joined a University called "Aoyama Gakuin University(Economics)" next year in 1994 and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in "Economics" in 1998(1994-1998). then during my "14 years of my Social working life(1998-2012)", I have been mainly working in the IT/Telecom Industries of here Japan and Asia(worked in Singapore too) as "Sales and Marketing or Customer Service Staff" and worked for "Hotel New Otani Tokyo" as a Hotelman for a year(1998-1999) too. I am Fully Bilingual in English and Japanese(in Higher than "Business Level") in Speaking/Listening(hearing and understanding)/Reading/Writing in all 4 Functions of Communications(and I'm also able to Speak/Understand some Level of German Language too)
    e-mail(PC)Primary Add: [...]

    SNS: facebook,Linked In,twitter,MySpace,QQ,quepasa,mixi
    Name: Yasunobu Matsui

    QQ ID: 1815340322

    IM(6 Types):
    Windows Live Messenger(MSN) ID: [...]
    Skype ID: yasunobu627
    Yahoo Messenger ID: yasunobu.matsui
    ICQ ID: [...]
    Google Talk ID: yasunobu.matsui
    AIM ID: Yasunobu Matsui

  • Yasunobu Matsui
    Yasunobu Matsui

    Ciao Gaia! been a while time..was it 2 years? since we last talked here on you are now living in Edinburgh, United Kingdom? and not anymore in your home country Italy? what are you now doing there in Edinburgh(your current job etc?)now Gaia? what did we talk about last time..? is above? your facebook links pages Gaia????? below is mine..can you add me up asap(in facebook too)Gaia? sorry for very late response for you Gaia..were you from Rome? Milan? Florence etc? of Italy originally of EUROPE Gaia?????

    (*below)is from my CS(Coach Surfing)webpage most updated comments too Gaia..
    to this Buenos Aires(Argentine) can you just check(read)all these most newest comments of me ASAP too Gaia?????? and can give me some Good Advices for me what to do next in my Life too Gaia..

    Yasu(Yasunobu Matsui)

    hi i live here in Tokyo just jobless and really broke(poor)everyday here in Tokyo just wondering around what to do next in my life with my very small money(I have about 5000USA$ now thats everything..and jobless..)now..i have never been to Argentine or Latin Americas in my whole 38 years of my Life Time(im still 37 years old now but very soon on this june27 again turning quick 38 my new age..) im(also as well as many other countries of this world)interested in going there from here Japan(Tokyo) ASAP..but i have no close families or friends who are now living in Buenos Aires,Argentine now..or in any other countries except here Japan..and have no good houses to stay too(of course)..

    btw, i myself lost 2 of my uncles my families by of my father side in 1986 when i was 10 and also in 2005 when i was 30 yrs old too..

    i grew up in Europe for total 11 years too for 6 years in London 1976-1982 when i was 1-6 yrs old small kid right after i got born out from here Tokyo in 1975 and also from 1988-1993 when i was 13-18 years old for 5 more years in Hamburg,West.Germany a really beautiful port city..which is not that far from Denmark as well as Holland Sweden Finland Norway etc all Nordics were right above where I grew up here in Hamburg during all my J.high and high school days..and I was local ISH International School of Hamburg student studying with all my 500-600 school mates from all over this Danish Grade mate called Thomas Muller Jensen..who I studied with him for this 5 whole years 1988-1993 when we were 13-18 years old teenagers..a guy from copenhagen..and we were linked here in facebook for while..but he deleted few days ago..

    hola Fernando and Benjamin..thanks for gr8 advices for me now..ok i see..ha ha ha..Argentine is bad for working..why is this? Benjamin? yes I grew up in Hamburg for 5 years during my high school days in Germany and can use some German language skill..and yeah Europe(in general all countries)are all very nice and relaxing less stressful to live too..but maybe less excitement like in USA Australia Canada in Japan Computer Company as Sales I had to work 15 hours per day everyday for about 3 years for 1 same company with even lots of weekends jobs without any holidays to have at all and also loads tons over nights jobs I had to for this 3 years(actually 2 years and 9 months)from 2000,Apr-2002,Dec..when i was 24-27 years old I felt as if I was a robot when i was very responsible for this job(also I was a permanent staff and the company was pretty large Japanese one of here Tokyo too Benjamin..) in Argentine you work like this of here Japan too Benjamin? same too excessive hard working culture?????

  • Gaia Arcagni
     Gaia Arcagni

    Ciao Tommaso,
    sono felice che ti sia piaciuta l'Italia! In realtà molti italiani pensano di vivere in un bellissimo paese ma poco valorizzato! Dovremmo puntare di più sul turismo per uscire dalla crisi!
    Raccontami qualcosa di te: che lavoro fai? cosa c'è di bello da visitare nel tuo paese??
    A presto.

    ps- "cordiali saluti" è MOLTO FORMALE! :) si usa quasi solo
    sul lavoro!

  • Tomasz Neonato
     Tomasz Neonato

    Ciao Gaia. Anche io cerco qualcuno per praticare italiano. Quale e la tua professione? Dimmi qualcosa di piu per quanto riguarda il tuo lavoro. un mese fa stavo a Milan per partecipare alla fiera - mostra convegno. Sono rapresentante commerciale responsabile per la vendita delle pompe e valvole. Mi affascina il vostro paese. Mi sono innamorato delle vostra moda, storia, cultura, calcio...italia paese del Versace, Armani, Ferrari, Lamborghini, pasta e ottimo espresso e gelati. Ti invidio ;) saluti cordiali Tomasso.