• Cris Legrand

    Living in CR

    publié par  Cris Legrand dans forum Costa Rica 

    First of all, as an expat since a few years now, I can tell you that you'll love Costa Rica!
    It's a great country! Easy to adapt to.
    To convert colon to US dollars, I like to use XE converter (http://www.xe.com/ucc/).
    But you can also estimated like that:
    500 colones = about 1$
    1000 colones = about 2$
    2000 colones = about 4$
    5000 colones = about 10$
    10 000 colons= about 20$
    Just double the first number...and it will give you an estimate how much it costs in dollar.

    For jobs and housing, I know one website named Encuentra 24 (http://www.encuentra24.com/costa-rica-en/classifieds) who can help you with Costa Rica home and jobs.

    Hope you'll enjoy this country like I do!

    Pura vida!

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