• Se rendre au profil de Amir Shahzad

    Lol rubbish child

    publié par  Amir Shahzad dans forum Koweït 

    The best thing to judge anyone is to live with him,
    I am living with taxi drivers from long time,
    My experience with them is real honest and whatever written above is just childish words filled with personal grudge anxiety.

    First of all meter system is 20 years old and Its not reasonable, Lawfully they need increment in meter and they need to stop paying for kafeel every day ... but who cares for law when you are kuwaiti.
    Secondly its very fare to sit in taxi if you agree his amount ... if you dont agree then look for cheap ones till night ... if you are in hurry then you need to pay the poor man.
    Thirdly taxi drivers are surviving very difficultly ... they need to pay 8Kd or more to the owner ... then remaining they put in there pocket ... which is very small amount but atleast they have job ... better then jobless or house servants or slave.
    Fourthly if you see somewhere traffic police checking ... they just stop all taxis coming to this road and not ask them anything ... just load them in crain and take them to police station ... so for 10 ten days your taxi is with police ... you will pay traffic fines whatever police will write ... and dont forget to pay your kafeel every day that 8kd while sitting home ... this happens once or twice per month.
    Fifthly I will ask you all to live this life for few days and you will know that its not easy life ... and dont believe on rubbish childish words from anyone ... go yourself and stay with them for one day.

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