• Your own theories are based on emotions and not on facts!

    פורסם על ידי משתמש בוטל ב-  שווייץ פורום 

    Hello Daniel

    My last post was referring to your last post that was adressed to me and not to Andy... ; )

    Coming back to your favourite subject: the miscegenation in Switzerland. Now your new estimation is 30 to 40 years eventhough I told you that it started centuries ago. Again; you should really study the history books first before coming out with your own theories about Switzerland that are unfortunately often wrong.

    You say that you "just thought that the miscegenation coincided - which normally does - with the reactionary outburst of nationalism that started some 10 to 20 years ago here in Switzerland". First of all I think that the expression "reactionary outburst of nationalism" is inappropriate because it does not reflect the mayority of the Swiss population and your number is again incorrect. I guess you have never heard about the Schwarzenbach-Initiative. Well, check it out and you will find out that what you call "outburst of nationalism" has existed before your time frame. And it has not only existed in the last century but in many centuries before, and not only in Switzerland but in most of Central Europe.

    Again, migration and miscegenation to/in Switzerland has existed for centuries and here are just a few examples as your historical background only seems to reach back to the 1990ies.

    -> In the late 16th and 17th century French Huguenots came in large numbers to Switzerland. They brought the textile and watch industry to Switzerland.

    -> In the 1850es people from Italy started to come to Switzerland in large numbers. A lot of them worked in the Gotthard Tunnel construction in the late 19th century, in the 20th century a lot of Italians worked in construction of houses and roads.

    -> In 1956 thousands of Hungarian refugees came to Switzerland and started a new life here.

    -> In the Sixties thousands of Tibetians refugees arrived in the Sixties (by the way approved by the Swiss government eventhough China was protesting!). There are aproximately 2'500 Tibetians living in Switzerland. This is the largest Tibetian community outside Asia!

    -> In the Eighties 35'000 Tamils from Sri Lanka came to Switzerland.

    Or have a guess how many foreigners were living in Basel in 1900, 110 years ago? 40%!!!

    Well, as you can imagine a lot of those people married Swiss people and formed part of the miscegenation that started long, long time ago...

    There is however a important difference between the miscegenation or rather the immigration of the last 10 to 20 years and the ones I mention above and this might be a partial explanation for some recent racist reactions in Switzerland.

    In the past immigrants came to Switzerland to find work or a new home. They were peaceful and thankful to find a new place for living and tried to live in harmony with each other and the Swiss.

    But we have a new situation now in Switzerland and Europe. For the last decades we had a lot of foreigners/refugees that have been brought to Switzerland by organisations that earn money with the transportation of people. A lot of those foreigners do not really come with the intention to adapt in any way to the Swiss way of life, they do not even think of working, because they know that the Swiss law and system will supply them with an apartment, food or money. This service is paid by the Swiss tax payer and as the number of profiteers has significally increased in the last years you get more and more nationalist and racist reactions and acts in Switzerland and the rest of Europe.

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