• Adalberto Ferreira

    Good luck in choosing

    Poslano od   Adalberto Ferreira u Brazil forum 

    HI, as our friend said, Brazil is a country of continental proportions, Brazil is divided into 5 Regions.
    In the U.S., you should go to the state of Amazon - Manaus, you experience the largest forest of the world.
    In the NORTH, you should know the state of Pernanbuco - in the City Fernando de Noronha, formed by 21 islands, an incredible place, but a little expensive!
    In the Central West, you need to go to the Mato Grosso do Sul, in the City Beautiful - you'll find a wonderful place, with many animals and plants , and lakes of crystalline water!
    In SOUTHEAST, you have 2 options - Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo is the largest city in Latin America, a city very rich, and you'll find people from all around the world. Already in Rio de Janeiro is a city with many beaches, but lately that a little dangerous! and the Southern Region, you have to go to Foz do Iguacu-am sure that you never saw so much water before. Good luck in choosing and welcome to Brazil!

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