• Qatar Schools & NIS

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Katar fórum 

    For those who seek a good education for their children in Qatar, choices are limited. The older international schools tend to be usually full or pre-booked, and although they claim to be the best, it is a mere first-in advantage and having been through the teething problems is what they benefit from.

    Unfortunately Qatar's sponsorship laws inhibit some of the progress and individual capabilities which may blossom, given alternative choices for employment or individuals rights to decide. Do not be frightened of this for it is a plan to pretect the country, its businesses and the public.
    You will find solace living in Qatar after the settling down period provided that you do not lose track of your expenditure and luxuries of life.

    NIS's biggest suffering is contributed by the ownership who do not wish to let go of their unusual tight control despite lack of experience in running an international school. The problem naturally extends itself to staffing. For example some of the principals did not posses adequate exposure and experience for their current jobs. They are tendering their services while learning! I wish them luck at their own expense and find this formula most strange. Fingers again can point to the owners. The same design spreads itself amongst the teachers with mixes of under-qualified, just right and over-qualified staff. This will work itself out but at what cost?

    Although it is natural for us to rifle through planes of critisim, some justly qualified for the sake of our yougsters' needs, the problems wil dicipate with passage of time.

    To progress, NIS must delegate more responsibility to its management. They also need to halt their unreasonable support for some of their senior staff which is based on personal relationships. Unconditional ponsporship release contracts will be one most notable move that will force them to behave, strive to truely excel and become internationally recognised.

    As for children, it is comforting to see that there are some very good teachers around. However it is the inexperienced and politically-aligned groups that tend to concern me. Once again, management reforms and changes in modus operandi should build a better platform to address this issue and many more.

    There is no destination sounder than THE TRUTH


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