• would like to help u in this

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Kuwait fórum 


    I am a Kuwaiti lady and would like to help u in this.

    If u want a good islamic and english or billangual school, takamul is great, Rouayah, Rawd alsalheen, Al-Hayat (my nephews and neices r there) depending on which city u will stay in.

    AAG and AIS r so "libral" schools and also Bayan, have no relation when it comes to islamic, they only do it bcoz they have to, not what u r looking for. Even their enviornment is not healthy. If ur focus is ONLY on academic but not culture and personality and beleives of ur doughters then go to AIS

    Plz contact me when u r here I can take u or guid u in that. I took a frnd once for dfrnt schools (she is from Bangladish and lives in UK).

    U r welcome to my country :-)


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