• paradox...?

    diposting oleh Pengguna yang sudah dihapus di forum Jerman 

    ah, but then it would be racist to not allow foreign nationals (or foreigners with permanent residency) to access the welfare system :D

    similarly, i understand the German government can't forcibly silence nazis because of democracy.

    yes, it's a viscious cycle.

    in my opinion, this is what needs to be done: the government needs to re-educate the nation to follow the inclusion policy through the education system, etc.

    problem is, the government can't even decide whether to include or exclude foreigners themselves.

    i guess it's pointless to question the government's policies ^^ however, i hope they stumble across this massive thread one day, and use it as part of their research to understand why they keep failing the 'integration' problem.

    i don't blame you for being pessemistic. i was really optimistic when i first arrived in Germany, but the longer i stayed, the more racism i experienced. i would love to stay optimistic too if possible.

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