• Christina deMoraes


    diposting oleh  Christina deMoraes di forum Kosta Rika 

    I'm sorry but... did I mention ONE time about Brazil?? LOL! =) I am not here to SELL anything but simply to inform based on MY experience which is different than most people that post on here.

    You might be an "expert patient", but I am an expert Patient Advocate and have hand-held probably 300 patients thru the process... let alone been one myself! =) Why so much mistrust? I guess it just tells me that others in the medical tourism "industry" are not in this to help their peers (the PATIENTS) like I am and are souring it for those of us that are. I am sorry if you have had a negative experience with another.

    There was NO need for you to disrespect me or my post for trying to HELP you and OTHERS here to inform yourself better rather than sway you with some emotional story about how I love one surgeon over another as "patients" tend to do. My answer is unemotional and based strictly on medical appropriateness and what best serves the PATIENT. Why you should care WILL become obvious to you at a later date.

    What I have learned in 8 years doing this is what's important to patients, and that they don't realize it themselves until they are "in the thick of it." You asked how to compare doctors. By working side by side with them and consulting for them over the years, I know how Latin doctors work and I am intimately familiar with their strong and weak points over the years. My answer was very logical actually. If they're not paying attention to you now and informing you fully, don't expect much later.

    This is my second time in Costa Rica for consulting. Obviously my experience and take on how the patient experience should be best run in order to support and serve the PATIENT is respected by someone.

    BTW, Brazil's prices vary WIDELY! But there is little disagreement in the medical circles that it IS the Plastic Surgery Capital of the World and for good reason. I'm sure even your expensive doctor in ... Arizona, wouldn't mind the chance for an internship in Brazil with a good surgeon. Then again, you can't teach someone to have "an eye for aesthetics." =)

    Good luck in your decision, however you decide to inform yourself and with whomever's opinion you do decide to trust. =)


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