• Nana Naniのプロフィールに行く

    Germans are not open minded

    によるポスト  Nana Nani に ドイツ フォーラム 

    my husband is german and we came to live here 1 1/2 yrs ago. In these 18 months, I've seen many germans being rude to the foreigners. E.g. Cashier who shout at a man from Poland. One shop assistant made my Lebonese friend cry, my son who was 9 yrs old being called names by kids that sound like Muslim's names ( and we're not Muslim). These kids were only btw 6-8 years of age. I can tell you there're a lot of hatred here, from the Germans to the foreigners, from the Christians to the Muslims.
    Thank God we haven't bought a house yet because we think this is not a good place to live, definately not for our children. It doesn't matter if there is Kindergeld, or good social security when living in a sorrounding that's full of hatred. Now we've stop our house hunting and start looking for options to return to Malaysia or
    to migrate to a friendlier country.

