Stephen Price

내 정보

Stephen Price
 Stephen Price
내 정보:
Hi, We are looking to live in Malta so are looking to build a business there we have some investment funds and I'm (Steve) looking for an investing partner. (Active or sleeping) up to you, if anyone is interested please contact privately to discuss ideas.
North West England (United Kingdom)
친구, 비즈니스 관계
Malta, United Kingdom


관심 사항:
Animals/Pets, Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Dining out, Gardening, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Sailing/Boating, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Biking, Scuba Diving, Swimming, Motorcycling, I used to do Martial arts and weight lifting but no longer due to a back injury
좋아하는 음악:
Rock, country, pop, clasical, a little opera
좋아하는 영화:
too many
좋아하는 책:
Usually action books
좋아하는 것:
Sunshine, clear sea water and marine life, Firearms/shooting
싫어하는 것:
Very little
관계 상태:
26 Daltonfields Lane
Dalton in Furness
LA15 8NY


  • Stephen Price
     Stephen Price

    Hi, I'm a mechanical Master technician for Peugeot but have worked for the last 10 years in the Gas industry working on an onshore gas terminal looking to finish my days in sunshine working for myself doing what I love with as little stress as possible.